Tag: birds



Song Sleuth with Sibley

Wildlife Acoustics, maker of the Song Sleuth bird-identifying app, has announced the launch of a birding sweepstakes. It is presented by L.L. Bean Co., maker of outdoor wear and gear. David Sibley, renowned artist and author of “Sibley’s Guide to Birds,” is the … read more

Bewick’s wren

Small Birds with Big Voices

As summer slips into fall, bird activity in West Sound gardens and yards begins to change. Both insect-eating birds and those with a taste for ripening fruit move throughout this region. The wild and domestic fruit crops tempt birds like the robins, cedar … read more


Western Scrub-Jay

September Is the Month for Migrants

Two bird-related events make September one of the most exciting and interesting months for bird watching. Bird population numbers are the highest they will be for an entire year due to all of the young birds raised this year. The other reason for … read more

Swainson's thrush

A Walk in the Woods

Once summer settles in, bird activity throughout the West Sound region changes. The young of most species have left the nest and are exploring their world. The adults that worked to feed and raise their families are no longer guarding territories. The bird … read more


Red-necked phalarope

Enjoying Birdwatching from Aboard the Local Ferries

A ferry ride is an inexpensive way to do some birdwatching on the water. You don’t pay for an expensive guided tour. You don’t need to own or care for your own boat. Birding surprises often occur on many of the available ferry … read more


Male American Goldfinch

Spotting Yellow Birds is a Treat in the Pacific Northwest

Yellow birds, or those that are almost all yellow, are rare in the Pacific Northwest but there is more than one species. The American goldfinch, state bird for Washington, is the best known and the easiest to recognize. Small numbers visit feeding stations … read more

White-crowned sparrow

Who Nests in Your Yard?

A limited number of birds nest in birdhouses. Most of those attracted to feeders, as well as those that aren’t, choose nest sites other than a man-made birdhouse. Robins are one of these. They do, however, often choose a nest site within close … read more

Greater yellowlegs

An Estuary in the Spring

Webster’s Dictionary defines the term “estuary” as “what is commonly called a ‘wetland,’ as an inlet or arm of the sea; especially the lower portion or wide mouth of a river, where the salty tide meets the freshwater current.” Wetland is a popular … read more


Screech Owl

Owls and Outdoor Toilets

The Teton Raptor Center in Wilson, Wyoming, is attempting to contact as many people as possible who have an interest in the outdoors. The organization’s goal is to increase awareness of a little-known problem: Outdoor toilets can entrap cavity-nesting owls. Other birds that … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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