Tag: birds


Jay on Fence Post

Landscaping for Birds in Your Garden

The gardening magazines and catalogs that arrive in January are reminders that spring in the Northwest isn’t far off. Thinking about spring gardening chores is the perfect time to consider the birds we hope to attract to our yards in the coming months. … read more


Bird Seed Christmas Tree

Decorating a Bird’s Christmas Tree

If decorating a Christmas tree for the birds sounds like fun, there are a few important things to remember. The most important element as far as the birds are concerned is that it be decorated with food. Variety isn’t important but quality is. … read more

Outdoor Activities to Connect Children With Nature

Outdoor Activities to Connect Children With Nature

Early fall is a great opportunity to introduce children to new activities. Children are naturally curious and they love to explore and learn about the natural world. Parents will be amazed at the fun and adventure children can experience in their own backyard, … read more


Wild Turkeys

The Wild Turkey: Our Real National Bird

According to Benjamin Franklin, the wild turkey would have been a more fitting symbol for our young country than the bald eagle. Franklin thought the eagle a “good-for-nothing” scavenger. The wild turkey, on the other hand, was intelligent, a formidable opponent and able … read more

Get The Dirt — Crows

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Crows • Fall Chores and Plantings • Classes...

Crows Fall is the time when days are shorter and fall-colored foliage and decorations abound. It’s also a time of dormancy and death when annual plants die and decompose into great soil, while other plants enter a long sleep, storing energy for next … read more

Anna’s hummingbird

Hummingbirds of Winter are not The Same

Hummingbirds may appear dainty because of their diminutive size, but these dazzling visitors to local gardens are bursting with energy. And they need to refuel often to maintain their dizzying blur of activity. But those who love hummingbirds are always sad when the … read more

“Coming in for a landing” (Photo courtesy Paul Carlson)

Western Bluebirds and Your Fall Chores

Fall migration of most Pacific Northwest birds has completed — from the huge shorebird population, to the area warblers and many other migrants from Oregon, Washington, British Columbia to Alaska. They have raised successful broods and are now heading south to winter over … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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