Tag: bird watching

Steller’s jay

Northwest Birds Meet Northwest Visitors

When summer guests visit West Sound country, many of them are interested in seeing some Northwest birds. Locals take these birds for granted because they are familiar with them — and it’s easy to think these birds are well known in other regions … read more

Western tanager

South of the Border Visitors

After a long, gray winter, spring’s color is a welcome tonic. Not only are the plants and trees bursting with color, the birds are doing the same. Migrants that will nest in the Pacific Northwest bring “south of the border” color into the … read more


American Oystercatcher

New Local Book Focused on Puget Sound Region’s Birds

“Birds of the Puget Sound Region — Coast to Cascades” by Dennis Paulson, Bob Morse, Hal Opperman and Tom Aversa is a new edition of the popular field guide, “Birds of the Puget Sound Region.” The changes, rewrites and additional photographs reflect the … read more


Pine Siskin

The More Plants in the Yard — the More Birds

The importance of a heavily planted yard can’t be emphasized too much when it comes to attracting birds. All of the plants do not have to provide food for them. Food is just one of four needs for sustaining bird populations. Like all … read more

Orange-crowned warbler bathing (Photo courtesy Richard Perkins)

Name that Warbler — Heralding the Arrival of Spring

Warbler watching in West Sound country can’t compete with what the eastern portion of North America enjoys, but we do have several special warbler species. Not only do warblers move into the Northwest with spring’s arrival, some have been brightening the winter landscape. … read more


Time to Think About Birdhouses

Time to Think About Birdhouses

Late winter may not seem like the perfect time to think about birdhouses, but it is. As the days grow longer and temperatures moderate, our resident birds begin checking out possible nest sites. If your birdhouses are cleaned, repaired and in place during … read more


2016-2017 USA Duck Stamp

Supporting Wildlife Refuges by Collecting Duck Stamps

“…You don’t have to be a hunter to buy a duck stamp. You just need $25. So go out and buy the stamp.” Jim Williams, co-author of the book “Questions and Answers about Backyard Birds,” made that statement in an article he wrote … read more

Get The Dirt Snowy Owl

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Snowy Owls • Gardening Books

The holidays are a time for resting a bit from gardening tasks and especially a time for friends and family. Since gardening and birds often go together, if you’re lucky, you may see a snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus) passing through this region. It’s … read more


Snow Hummingbird Feeder

Christmas Gifts for Birdwatchers

“Happiness is a new spotting scope,” especially if you are a birdwatcher — or birder. When it comes to Christmas gifts for those interested in birds, optical gear is perfect for both beginning and experienced birders. Let your pocketbook be your guide. Excellent … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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