Tag: bird watching


Male American Goldfinch

Spotting Yellow Birds is a Treat in the Pacific Northwest

Yellow birds, or those that are almost all yellow, are rare in the Pacific Northwest but there is more than one species. The American goldfinch, state bird for Washington, is the best known and the easiest to recognize. Small numbers visit feeding stations … read more

White-crowned sparrow

Who Nests in Your Yard?

A limited number of birds nest in birdhouses. Most of those attracted to feeders, as well as those that aren’t, choose nest sites other than a man-made birdhouse. Robins are one of these. They do, however, often choose a nest site within close … read more

Greater yellowlegs

An Estuary in the Spring

Webster’s Dictionary defines the term “estuary” as “what is commonly called a ‘wetland,’ as an inlet or arm of the sea; especially the lower portion or wide mouth of a river, where the salty tide meets the freshwater current.” Wetland is a popular … read more


Screech Owl

Owls and Outdoor Toilets

The Teton Raptor Center in Wilson, Wyoming, is attempting to contact as many people as possible who have an interest in the outdoors. The organization’s goal is to increase awareness of a little-known problem: Outdoor toilets can entrap cavity-nesting owls. Other birds that … read more


Signs of Spring

Valentine’s Day is Time for Hummingbird Courtship

Female Anna’s hummingbirds begin building their nests in February. They will be searching through gardens in the West Sound region, looking for nesting materials. Portions of seed pods from last year’s clematis blossoms are popular. These are the feathery tufts still clinging to … read more

Black-capped chickadee

Winter is Birdhouse Time

Winter is the best time to think about birdhouses. The birds are starting to think about where they will nest once spring arrives. Where houses are already in place, it isn’t unusual to see chickadees exploring them in January and February. They may … read more



Identification Guidelines for Bird Watchers

The late Roger Tory Peterson developed an identification system for birds that eventually earned him the title “dean of birdwatchers.” When first introduced, these guidelines were designed to aid in the identification of birds seen from a distance. They evolved into an all-encompassing … read more

Sandhill cranes

Fall Migration Fuels Feeder Activity

September and October are the two busiest months for fall migration. Millions of birds that nested in the north are moving southward for the winter. Little by little, this mass movement of wings visits our yards, parks, wildlife refuges and West Sound birding … read more


Theler Wetlands

A Walk on the Edge for Birdwatchers

This time of the year provides some of the best birdwatching. A walk on the “edge” will produce the largest variety of bird species. Forests and heavy brush bordering fields, wetlands and other open areas create this edge effect birds are drawn to. … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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