Tag: 0001


food safety

Three Sustainable Food Labels You Should Know About

We’ve all seen people reading the labels of food, beverage and supplement packaging to look at the ingredients and nutrition facts — chances are you have, too. More than ever, shoppers are looking at labels to make sure products match up with their … read more


Delnashaugh is one of the most impressive double daffodils with its frilly petals, while early blooming Pink Pride has ruffled cups that start off apricot and gradually turn coral pink. (Photo courtesy of Longfield-Gardens.com)

Trend-Setting Daffodils for Gardens and Bouquets

Daffodils are having their day. Floral designers are opening our eyes to a world of gorgeous daffodils that extends far beyond the iconic yellow trumpets. These unexpected varieties include doubles, bi-colors and split cups, in colors such as creamy white, peach, pink, gold … read more


exercise at home

Exercise Essential for a Strong Mind

A relationship between the body and mind has long been theorized. As far back as the 1st century, Roman poet Juvenal suggested people should pray for “mens sana in corpore sano” (a sound mind in a sound body) above power and wealth. Today, … read more


fall lawn mowing

Your Fall Yard Work Checklist for Reaping Benefits Next Spring

Autumn is no time to ignore your lawn and landscape. What you do now will determine the quality of your family yard next spring and summer, says Kris Kiser, president and CEO of the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI), the international trade association … read more


saving money

Be Prepared: 5 Steps to Build Your Emergency Fund

Many of life’s interruptions can’t be predicted. Not having funds set aside for unexpected problems can leave you racking up high credit card debt or putting yourself in other difficult financial straits. “When it comes to savings best practices, it is especially clear … read more


Age Safely with Your Home: 3 Home Modifications That Are Essential to Make

Many people think that aging means eventually having to leave your home. That is a reality for many, but it can be delayed significantly by making a few changes to your home in order to make it safer. Certain areas of every home … read more


physical therapy

Physical Therapy More Effective than Drugs for Chronic Pain

During a time when healthcare professionals and researchers continue to reevaluate the effectiveness and safety of prescription drug use for chronic pain, Kitsap County physical therapist Megan Morris emphasizes that physical therapy has long been considered a safer, cheaper and more effective treatment … read more


Car Safety

Car Safety: What To Do if You Lock Your Child In (and how to prevent it from happening)

As much as none of us as parents think we would ever forget our young kids in a locked car, accidents happen. On average, one child dies every nine days due to heatstroke from being locked in a vehicle, according to KidsAndCars.org. The … read more


Bainbridge Performing Arts

Bainbridge Performing Arts Turns to Audio vs. Visual Performances

Meet your newest friend in quarantine! Beginning in September, Bainbridge Performing Arts (BPA) launches the Bainbridge Pod Accomplice, a free podcast featuring a regular series of different plays starring your favorite local performers and directors. With a planned release of one play or … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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