Song Sparrow in Autumn Plumage

How You Can Be Part of Thanksgiving Bird Count

During the month of November, one bird is in the minds of many West Sound residents. While the Thanksgiving turkey may be the Bird of the Month, other birds are getting their share of attention. They are the ones that will be counted … read more

Sitting comfortably in its surrounds as if built decades ago, the Fortner home is the centerpiece in a compound of buildings surrounded by gardens. The bake house is to the left of the main house.

Backyard Bread Bakers

The West Sound area abounds with people who enjoy aesthetically pleasing and interesting lifestyles. Perhaps no pastime is more enticing to all of the senses than baking one’s own breads and rolls in an age-old, traditional manner. Baking slow-rise artisan breads — in … read more


Cauliflower Mash

Five Tips for a Happy and Healthy Plant-Based Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is such a great holiday. We take time to be with our loved ones and be thankful for our relationships, our health and our opportunities. It’s a time to celebrate the harvest and all of the wonderful flavors and colors and textures … read more


DIY Remodel

DIY or DI Don’t?

DIY is so popular, there is a television network dedicated to it — and many, many other shows, books and stores that encourage and support it. It’s a trend that will only continue to grow, but there are a few things to know … read more

Exuberant window hanging designed with mirrored glass and ceramic flowers to reflect interior light and stained glass and millefiori beads to glow with backlight

Piece of Mind — The Mosaic Art of Louise Martin

Louise Martin’s mosaic art integrates many components: stained glass, beads, glass rod, smalti, ceramic tile, mirror, rhinestones, Polish pottery. The most potent part of her work, however, is not the material itself, but the palpable connection of the artist to the world around … read more


Table-Setting Tips

Table-Setting Tips for Your Next Party

Holidays can be stressful especially if you’re hosting a party. If you’re planning on entertaining this season, take a few tips from Rosemarie Burns and Linda Reed, authors of “Which Fork Do I Use? Confident and Comfortable Dining.” Here’s some of their advice … read more

Avoiding a Faux Pas at Your Holiday...

‘Which Fork Do I Use?’

Confident and Comfortable Dining

Is the prospect of a fancy Christmas dinner giving you cold feet? Four forks, three knives, five glasses — where do you begin? And what about that little salt dish with no spoon? To answer those questions and many more, Rosemarie Burns and … read more

Fort Worden

Fort Worden Becomes Lifelong Learning Center

Fort Worden State Park has been a longtime destination for both recreation and events. Among the many favorite parts of the park are the historic officers’ row homes, a wonderful place for overnight stays. Even Richard Gere got to enjoy the park when … read more


Turkey Meatballs

A Non-Traditional Twist on Turkey

Although much is made about the traditional family gatherings that abound this time of year, some of your most anticipated events of the season may actually revolve around your closest friends. With everyone contributing a dish, friend-focused potluck celebrations are the perfect time … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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