Cat Eating Houseplant

Keep Your Pets Safe from Poisonous Plants

If you have pets, you probably know that lilies are poisonous for cats, but did you know that tulips are dangerous for dogs? Some toxic plants don’t just cause gastric irritation — they can cause death. As you’re planning to add more plants … read more



How to Prepare for Your Next Road Trip

Almost 100 million Americans will go on a family vacation sometime this year, and nearly half of them will choose to make it a road trip, according to AAA. If your family is one of them, you’ll want to be sure to make … read more

Boat Shed

The Boat Shed at Manette — An Eclectic Mix of Fine and Casual Dining

Celebrating its 40th year in business, the Boat Shed Restaurant at the base of the Manette Bridge is fast becoming the latest destination eatery for locals and Seattleites alike. From the humble beginnings as a longtime bait shop discovered in the late 1970s … read more



6 Ways to Help Your Dog Maintain Calm Behavior

Summer can be a stressful time of year for dogs who experience anxious behaviors, with triggers like fireworks, thunderstorms, summer travel and more taking a toll on pets. While you may not be able to prevent your pet’s anxious behaviors entirely, there are … read more

(Photo courtesy Jefte Sanchez)
The Sip

Wine Tasting Season Returns to Bainbridge

The warmth of the sun, the smell of fresh-cut grass and the sound of the birds chirping. Spring has arrived! Those of us in the Pacific Northwest love our sunshine and relish the longer days spent outdoors. One of my favorite ways to … read more


Bloedel Reserve

Enjoy Shakespeare Under the Sky at Bloedel

BPA’s seventh annual Summertime Shakespeare performance July 11-28 at the Bloedel Reserve offers a dramatic summer evening for all ages. Widely considered to be one of Shakespeare’s finest comedies, “As You Like It” offers something for everyone: villainy, romance, humor and a happy … read more



How to Attract Pollinators with Container Planters

Container planters can help you play a part in attracting pollinators, even if you don’t have a yard. In the United States, one-third of all agricultural output depends on pollinators — we need pollinators and pollinators need us. Help the pollinators do their … read more

The Panama Canal
Travel Bug

The Panama Canal — World’s Greatest Shortcut

You don’t need to be an engineer or construction worker or sea merchant to appreciate it. In fact, it’s just as fascinating for its historic, geologic and economic attributes. The Panama Canal is one of the ultimate modern-day structures of the world, and … read more


Pressing Marine Greens

The Art of Science — Pressing Marine Greens

The pairing of seaweed science and art may sound like an unlikely combination, but on May 28, 30 event-goers got a taste of the fun at a seaweed pressing workshop in Bremerton. WSU Kitsap Extension, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the SEA … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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