
Featured Articles from the West Sound. These are the highlighted articles from WestSound Magazine.


Terrariums are mini greenhouses that continue to grow in popularity, don't require a lot of care and are perfect for the holiday season whether given as gifts or used for décor. (Photo by Gardener's Supply Company)

Four Easy-Care Gardening Trends for the Holiday Season

Dress up the holidays or give gifts that continue giving throughout the year with these low maintenance gardening trends. Just add a little fun, classic beauty or style to make it even more memorable now and throughout the year. Terrariums: These mini greenhouses … read more



Identification Guidelines for Bird Watchers

The late Roger Tory Peterson developed an identification system for birds that eventually earned him the title “dean of birdwatchers.” When first introduced, these guidelines were designed to aid in the identification of birds seen from a distance. They evolved into an all-encompassing … read more

Norwegian Cottage Christmas

A Norwegian Cottage Christmas

Laila Caspersen and John Hansen were each raised in families who had observed Norwegian traditions and cultural values for generations. When they met in college and discovered their similar backgrounds, it seemed natural to marry and continue those traditions. Their home is a … read more

F.R.O.G. Soap
F.R.O.G. Soap

Good for Body and for Planet — Clean and Green

There isn’t much that Laura Kneib can’t make by hand. Clothes. Butter. Wood boxes. Pottery. Growing up in a family that made anything from their own clothes to herbal remedies has taught her two things: You make everything you use, and then you … read more


Remodeling Safety

Planning for Safety in Your Remodeling Project

It’s exciting to think about a remodeling project and all the fun things you will do. And while safety is not something that most people would say is unimportant, you’d be surprised at how many ways safety can become an issue. A first … read more



12 DIY Gift Baskets You Can Make for Less Than $45 a Piece

As the holidays approach, people are beginning to think about gifts to give their family, friends and colleagues. This year, as you make your list and check it twice, consider giving gift baskets that you put together yourself. DIY gift baskets are fun … read more

Small, rustic cabin house
Living Small in an Oversized World

Would You Like to Live in a ‘Tiny House’?

From the Wall Street Journal to cable television hit shows, “tiny homes” are a very hot topic — and for very good reasons. However, the interest in tiny homes far outpaces the current supply of these homes. A loose definition of a tiny … read more

Gig Harbor Candy Company

The Sweet Life in Gig Harbor — Gig Harbor Candy Company

Phil Michelson had gifted his elderly father some Gig Harbor Candy Company English toffee. His father had never asked for anything in his life until, in failing health, he asked for some more of the luscious, chocolate-covered toffee. There was just one catch: … read more

Washington State Port Wines

The Wine Cabinet — Washington State Port Wines: An Excellent Gift for Thanksgiving and Christmas

If you’re looking for a Thanksgiving or Christmas gift to give a wine lover, take a look at the many port wines made by our excellent Washington state wineries. In the United States, there is a problem calling wines “ports” because it is … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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