
Featured Articles from the West Sound. These are the highlighted articles from WestSound Magazine.

Snowdrops (Galanthus ssp.)

Scents and Sensibilities of the Fragrant Winter Garden

“If our sense of smell is sluggish … we shall have missed more than half the ecstasy. We shall have missed, for instance, that winter day in January or February when we step out of the door and suddenly smell the spring.” ~ … read more

Black-capped chickadee

Winter is Birdhouse Time

Winter is the best time to think about birdhouses. The birds are starting to think about where they will nest once spring arrives. Where houses are already in place, it isn’t unusual to see chickadees exploring them in January and February. They may … read more

(Photo courtesy Jenny Loftus)

Community Gardens and P-Patches in West Sound

Washington state is an amazing place, and not simply because of its immeasurable beauty. The Master Gardener program saw its birth here, training volunteers who are passionate about gardening to offer science-based answers to community members’ gardening questions. This program has spread throughout … read more


(Photo courtesy M S International)

Give Your Shower a Makeover with Natural Stone

When it comes to beauty, few building materials can compete with natural stone. One-of-a-kind markings, dramatic colors and rich finishes make it a popular choice, especially in bathrooms where it can transform a utilitarian space into a spa-like retreat. Long considered a great … read more


This aggregating anemone is in the process of becoming two organisms by binary fission.

The Battle of the Colonies in Real Life: Slow-Motion Science on the Beach

Where would you go to find a clonal colony of creatures armed with thousands of neurotoxin-filled harpoons engaged in deadly combat? To find the front line of an intergenerational clone-colony war, you need go no farther than your local beach. The humble sea … read more

Nightshade Manette

Nightshade Manette

Succulent Cuisine that's Good for the Planet

Can’t everyone just get along? At Nightshade Manette in East Bremerton, vegetarians and omnivores can. Nightshade is the most recent delicious result of the partnership between married couple Kimberley Campbell and Erik Kleiva. Campbell and Kleiva have owned and operated the popular Port … read more

Colvos Passage Home
Cover Feature

Home at Last — A Colvos Passage Home Set Apart

Driving through the sculptural gate and down the winding drive through the verdant green lawn dotted with carefully chosen trees and shrubs, there is a noticeable transition from the noise of the street to the sanctuary of private space. A pair of Chinese … read more


The Wine Cabinet — Late Harvest, Ice and Port Wines

St. Valentine’s Day is always a special day at our house for a number of reasons: It’s the day we celebrate love, especially love of family because it was my father’s birthday. Marrying my wife was the best thing I’ve ever done in … read more



Greener by Nature: The Sustainable Advantages of Redwood

Homeowners today embrace sustainable choices for their homes as a matter of fact. What was pigeonholed as a privileged choice even a decade ago has grown more accessible, both in terms of price and availability. What many people may not realize is that … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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