Manchester Village is a hidden gem in Kitsap, on the waterfront of Puget Sound, and at its heart is the Manchester Branch of the Kitsap Regional Library. The relationship of this library to the community is unique. While the branch is staffed and … read more
Perhaps it should come as no surprise that, upon moving to Bainbridge Island after growing up in southern California, followed by a dozen years in parched Houston, Carol Folse would become enchanted by woodland spring flowers. Folse and her husband, Parker, fell in … read more
One does not need be a hoarder to have too much stuff. Or some say having stuff is never enough stuff. Or, “Don’t give me stuff, even if it’s free.” Got stuff? Stuff. A seemingly simple story has transformed into a complicated creature … read more
Artist Tells Stories, Shares Native Heritage through Basket...
The hand-stenciled sign on Annette Fourbears’ small Indianola studio says, simply, “Baskets.” That’s definitely an understatement because this multifaceted artist also paints, sculpts and writes poetry. One of her most-visible public artworks is the 17-foot “Wheel Totem Pole” in Ventura, California, that the … read more
Bainbridge Symphony Orchestra (BSO) and Bainbridge Chorale join forces for another extraordinary partnership on April 22 and 23. Together, they will perform iconic sacred works by Mozart, Beethoven and Brahms before turning their attention to Carl Orff’s famed “Carmina Burana.” Led by conductors … read more
Throughout the Kitsap Peninsula, pet owners are blessed with an array of dog parks where they can take their dogs to exercise and socialize. If your dog lacks a fenced yard or other place to run safely, dog parks can be great venues … read more
I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host of golden daffodils; Beside the lake beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. ~ William Wordsworth In the last … read more
Webster’s Dictionary defines the term “estuary” as “what is commonly called a ‘wetland,’ as an inlet or arm of the sea; especially the lower portion or wide mouth of a river, where the salty tide meets the freshwater current.” Wetland is a popular … read more
A legacy of love, life and learning spans...
In the historic community of Grapeview, it can be hard to find your way around the first time you visit. Lots of tiny dirt roads finger off from the main road, featuring funny names that are often nearly identical. It nods to the … read more