The WestSound Magazine blog is your destination for information and tips about living in West Sound — home, gardening, outdoor recreation, things to do and more.


home inventory

Prepare for a Natural Disaster and Protect your Possessions by Taking a Home Inventory

Nearly two-thirds of American homeowners are living without a critical safeguard. According to data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, just 34 percent of U.S. homeowners have taken a home inventory. That leaves 66 percent, or two-thirds, who lack this important protection. … read more


insurance planning

9 Things You Can Do Now to Prepare for a Disaster

Are you prepared if a disaster were to hit? If you aren’t, making sure to prioritize this initiative for you and your family is smart. Disasters don’t plan ahead, but you can. Here are nine things you can do now to ensure you … read more


Olympic Performance Group

‘Immigration Stories’ — a Choreographic Historical Odyssey

Retelling One Family’s Forced Migration Created by Alex Ung Saturday, September 14 @ 7:30 p.m. One Night Only at Bainbridge Performing Arts (BPA) Olympic Performance Group brings the new, dynamic group The Guild Dance Company of Seattle to Bainbridge Island to perform newly … read more


sustainable forest

5 Tips for Living More Sustainably

From littering here and there to tossing bottles in the trash instead of the proper recycling bin, everyone has moments of weakness when it comes to the environment. If you’re looking to shake the guilt you may feel from the weight of your … read more


reusable bags

Get Ready to Bring Your Own Bags for Shopping in Kitsap

It’s time to stock up on those reusable bags. Starting Jan. 1, most of Kitsap County stores will go plastic-free for their carryout bags, and will start charging for paper bags. New laws restricting use of plastic carryout bags will go into effect … read more


bremerton fly-in

Bremerton Airport Hosts Fly-In and Car Show

The Port of Bremerton’s Bremerton National Airport is hosting the annual Fly-In and Car Show on Saturday, Aug. 31, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. General admission and parking are free. The morning will start with a pancake breakfast from Chapter 406 of … read more



Become a Gleaner to Pick Produce for Those in Need (and Yourself)

Kitsap Harvest is a program that organizes volunteers to pick surplus fruits and veggies from farms, yards and gardens across Kitsap County. This activity is called “gleaning.” Kitsap Harvest donates the fresh produce to local organizations that feed people, like food banks, shelters, school summer … read more


kids in school

Ease Kids Back into School with Confidence

There’s nothing like a major milestone in a child’s life to test a parent’s confidence. Big changes like a new school or classroom can be trying for kids and adults alike, but tackling the transition a little at a time can make it … read more



Common Insurance Myths

Editor’s note: A recent study by showed that many people have misconceptions about their insurance coverage. For example, most incorrectly believe that comprehensive auto coverage covers car damage from a collision, and many still believe insurance for a red car is higher. … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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