WSMAG.NET Blog » At Home

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Tiny houses

Downsizing: 10 tips on how to ‘right-size’ your next home

Tiny houses are currently “big” so to speak, but really, how many people can actually live and function in a 350-square-foot home after living in 2,500 square feet or more? Downsizing is a popular topic for sure, but there is another small home … read more


Children Helping Kitchen

5 Ways to Get Your Kids in the Kitchen (But Not Get in Your Way)

My three kids spend so much time with me in the kitchen. Daily, we chop, we mix, we bake, we stir, we do life together around our island and over food. At this point, they are trained professionals when it comes to helping … read more


Carpaccio of zucchini
In the Market Now


There is an urban legend that a New Jersey law makes it illegal to place zucchini in other people’s cars or leave it on a neighbor’s porch. The humor in this illustrates just how prolific this commonly grown vegetable plant can be, and … read more


Made from Scratch Life

Making Your Own (Simple) Household Cleaners from Scratch

Many of today’s cleaning products, from what we use to clean our homes to our bodies, contain dangerous chemicals. We shouldn’t have to worry about what we’re using to clean things as much as the items we’re cleaning. The pioneers didn’t have aisles … read more


Outdoor Kitchen

Outdoor Kitchens, from Simple to Sublime

Requests for outdoor kitchens are on the rise, from pretty basic to really crazy. While most outdoor kitchens are considered a luxury, there are ways to add them to your space in all budget ranges. First consider how you will use your outdoor … read more


Cooling in an ice bath
In the Market Now

Fava Beans

Just before summer warms soil temperatures to an intolerable level for cool weather legumes, fava beans are at their largest, sweetest stage. The long, bright-green pods hide a delicious ancient delicacy nestled inside their silken, white lining. Favas are known throughout the Middle … read more


protect children

5 Easy Ways to Safeguard Kids’ Tech Devices from Predators

Summer vacation is almost here — which means kids are going to be looking for new ways to fill their time with entertainments. Mobile devices and computers are no doubt at the top of their lists. But before you let your kids loose … read more


smoked steak

Recipes for a Smokin’ Father’s Day

If the surge in barbecue and smoking competitions across the country is any indication, grilling has become an art form. This Father’s Day, grab dad and gather around the grill to try a technique that’s rising in popularity — smoking — and create … read more


Melissa Michaels

Five Steps to a Simple Home

Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt from “Make Room for What You Love,” the latest book just released from Seattle author Melissa Michaels, the creator of the popular blog The Inspired Room. 1. Avoid temptation. When you can, don’t go to places that … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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