The WestSound Magazine blog is your destination for information and tips about living in West Sound — home, gardening, outdoor recreation, things to do and more.


Use standout plants, like this coprosma hedge of Pacific Sunset, to stop people taking shortcuts in the garden.

Edging Plants — The Miracle Workers of the Garden World

Edging plants can work miracles — from fixing messy beds and directing garden traffic to serving as garden railings. Here’s are three ways garden-edging plants can work miracles. Instant Fix for Messy Beds Every garden reaches the stage where it’s full of plants … read more


protect children

5 Easy Ways to Safeguard Kids’ Tech Devices from Predators

Summer vacation is almost here — which means kids are going to be looking for new ways to fill their time with entertainments. Mobile devices and computers are no doubt at the top of their lists. But before you let your kids loose … read more


smoked steak

Recipes for a Smokin’ Father’s Day

If the surge in barbecue and smoking competitions across the country is any indication, grilling has become an art form. This Father’s Day, grab dad and gather around the grill to try a technique that’s rising in popularity — smoking — and create … read more


Melissa Michaels

Five Steps to a Simple Home

Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt from “Make Room for What You Love,” the latest book just released from Seattle author Melissa Michaels, the creator of the popular blog The Inspired Room. 1. Avoid temptation. When you can, don’t go to places that … read more


Beautiful Roses

Tips on Identifying the Rose-Leaf Fungal Diseases

We have been enjoying blooming roses for many weeks now and June is the time to celebrate our national flower: Cut some and give them to a friend. It is also the time of year when some rose foliage can begin to show … read more


Homemade strawberry sorbet
In the Market Now

Make the Most of the Strawberry Season

One of the benefits of eating local is being able to access produce at its very freshest, finest peak. Glistening like giant rubies and tasting like sweet bursts of fruity goodness, strawberries herald the season of summer fruits. The earliest local fruit crop … read more



Bainbridge Symphony Orchestra Wraps Up Season with State Premiere of Theofanidis Work

The Bainbridge Symphony Orchestra season finale concerts are almost here, and we are celebrating. For four years, the orchestra has had the pleasure of welcoming brilliant musicians to the island to compete in our Young Artist Competition. This year’s winner, pianist Leah Deobald, … read more


Garden Beds

10 Tips for ‘Greening’ Your Gardening Habits

Spring is a great time of the year to spruce up your gardening habits. From cutting down on the trash generated by gardening, to gardening in a way that reduces the amount of household items you need to buy, there are ideas for … read more



Master Gardeners to Teach Class on Organic Vegetable Gardening for Year-Round Harvests

Thanks to our mild climate, more and more gardeners are realizing that they are able to grow nutritious produce in their own backyards all year long. With a little preparation, you too can expand beyond the warm-season crops that are more commonly grown. … read more

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