Editor’s note: This is an excerpt adapted from the book “Regrow Your Veggies: Growing Your Vegetables from Roots, Cuttings, and Scraps,” recently published by CompanionHouse Books. Living in a globalized world has many advantages. Of course, transporting people and goods is much quicker, … read more
It’s your heart. Don’t hesitate. If you’re experiencing symptoms of a heart attack or stroke, doctors urge you to not delay seeking treatment because of COVID-19 concerns. During the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors across the nation are reporting a sharp decline in patients coming … read more
Millions of people transitioned into working from home to help thwart the spread of the coronavirus, and maintaining both comfort and productivity has no doubt been an issue for many. Although offices are slowly reopening, many employers will likely continue to maintain a remote … read more
Editor’s note: This excerpt and recipe were adapted from “The Create-Your-Plate Diabetes Cookbook: A Plate Method Approach to Simple, Complete Meals” published by the American Diabetes Association. What you eat makes a difference for your blood glucose levels, cholesterol, blood pressure and weight. … read more
The coronavirus pandemic (a.k.a. COVID-19) flipped the world, as we know it, off its axis. Life was normal as we all went about our unique daily grinds of juggling careers, commutes, school and extracurricular activities. Then, in what feels like a blink of … read more
Every year, as the flowers begin to pop up, the grass gets greener and the birds start tweeting, thoughts turn to shedding the drudge of winter, cleaning up the house and enjoying spring. While annual spring cleaning is a ritual many observe, there … read more
I have no memory of when the Wacky Cake recipe invaded my repertoire of family favorites. My children, all now in their 50s, just remember it as always being the cake they requested for their birthday celebrations. All of them continued to bake … read more
Since 1993, Kitsap County Public Works and the Board of County Commissioners have been recognizing local Earth Day Award winners — community members who provide outstanding environmental stewardship. This year’s winners were publicly nominated for their service toward sustainability, recycling, litter control, habitat … read more
Create a front garden that is sure to boost your mood and welcome visitors all year round. All you need is one weekend and a bit of paint, flowers, décor and edging material to boost your landscape’s curb appeal. The Front Door Add a … read more