The WestSound Magazine blog is your destination for information and tips about living in West Sound — home, gardening, outdoor recreation, things to do and more.


Rain Garden

Rain Gardens Add Beauty and Function to Your Yard

Homeowners can receive financial and technical assistance through...

Controlling storm-water runoff is a necessity for your home and your yard, but it’s sometimes relegated to that dreaded list of outdoor chores. But what if adding an efficient runoff system meant the addition of a beautiful garden at the same time? That’s … read more


2015 Lexus NX Compact Luxury-Utility

All-New 2015 Lexus NX Compact Luxury-Utility Offers Choice of Turbo or Hybrid Power

In 1998, Lexus created the luxury-utility crossover segment with the debut of the original midsized RX, and is looking to take the lead again the growing compact segment with the all-new 2015 NX. Following the route of the Lexus GS and IS sedans, … read more


Carpet Pads

Replacing Your Carpet? Don’t Forget the Carpet Pad

A client is having new carpet installed in the living room, and was told by the salesperson that the pad — which is 10 years old — needs to be replaced. The client questioned whether that’s really necessary. If you’re replacing your carpet, … read more


7 Seas Brewing

7 Seas Brewing Celebrates Fifth Anniversary with Music, Food and Brews

Gig Harbor’s 7 Seas Brewing has been a destination since its opening five years ago. The tap room is a busy place any time of the year — but this Saturday, 7 Seas will give fans a real party between noon and 8 … read more


Turn a Boring Floor into a Piece of Art with Faux Paint

Turn a Boring Floor into a Piece of Art with Faux Paint

With a little bit of paint — and...

My husband turned to me a couple of weeks ago and said, “You know that vintage area rug you’ve got downstairs in our basement studio, trying to cover up the plywood floor? I’ve always hated that. What I’d like to see down there … read more


Enjoy the Versatility of Lavender by Growing Your Own

Enjoy the Versatility of Lavender by Growing Your Own

An old-fashioned, fragrant herb, lavender colors the garden with a purple haze in midsummer. This herb is so popular, it has its own festivals. Lavender’s reputation is attributed to its beauty in the garden and diversity of use, from aromatherapy to crafting. The … read more


Bremerton's Fish Catching Fisherman Statue

Bremerton’s Fisherman Statue Warmed Its Way into People’s Hearts

There was immediate controversy. I cringed. I was told the imagery of a fisherman, costing thousands of dollars, was not made by a local artist and it would be installed a few feet from my art gallery’s front door at 4th Street and … read more


Review Website Warning

The Pitfalls of Using ‘Review’ Websites to Help Choose Your Building or Remodeling Contractor

You’ve seen them online, and the ads on TV. Use their website to get reviews before you hire a builder or remodeler (or a doctor, dentist etcetera). Their “list” can save you lots of headache, the ads claim. But how do these sites … read more


Caterpillars that are hanging dead from their tent after having been destroyed by parasites.

Tent Caterpillars Are Making a Comeback

What you need to know

The last tent caterpillar outbreak in West Sound happened quite a while ago. Yet the memories — of the sounds they made as they munched away at our tree canopy and the shivers they sent through my spine as they fell on my … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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