Tag: wildlife

pets and plants

How to Keep Houseplants Healthy While Keeping Pets Safe

You love them both — your pets and houseplants — but it can be challenging to safely raise them together in the same house. Reduce the risk by selecting pet-safe plants and safely managing houseplant pest problems. Avoid problems by selecting plants suited to … read more



Wild and Scenic Film Fest Comes to Bremerton

Bremerton will be a stop on the Wild and Scenic Film Festival’s tour in December, thanks to Great Peninsula Conservancy (GPC). In its 17th year, the Wild and Scenic Film Festival event was started by watershed advocacy group the South Yuba River Citizens … read more


Chum salmon checking out the scene at Kitsap Salmon Tours (Photo by Cisco Valez)

The Salmon Are Coming! Come See Them at Kitsap Salmon Tours

It’s that time of year again — time to see Pacific salmon make their way home to the Kitsap streams, where their lives began. Not only does their migration offer a unique opportunity for people to observe this iconic species, but their journey … read more

A Steller's jay in a backyard looking for a snack

West Sound’s ‘Blue Jays’ Aren’t Blue Jays

Every West Sound birder has heard it. Someone claiming to have seen a blue jay. Yes, the individual saw a “blue jay,” but it was likely not a bona fide blue jay, a common species in the central and eastern United States and … read more

Beautiful rainbow
Travel Bug

A Visit to the Amazon Rainforest

Let's Bungle in the Jungle

Visiting the Amazon Rainforest is akin to being a teeny insect in the greatest biodiverse area on the planet. It’s humongous and you will never see it all — 2.1 million square miles. One-fifth of the freshwater flowing into the Earth’s oceans comes … read more


Miller Bay Preserve (Photo courtesy Jonathan Decker)

Two Local Groups Partner to Preserve Scenic Shoreline and Forest

Great Peninsula Conservancy has partnered with Friends of Miller Bay to save 13 acres of critical forest and shoreline habitat on Miller Bay in north Kitsap County. The preserve connects conserved lands in the Grovers Creek Watershed. Great Peninsula Conservancy (GPC) — a … read more

A Caspian tern with a fish after a successful dive

It’s the Season to Tern, Tern, Tern

The summer months bring numerous visitors to West Sound’s shorelines. Some enjoy beach walks, while others prefer a picnic. Boats abound and kites fly high. The wintering waterfowl have long since departed and are raising their families in the sunny Arctic. Marine birds … read more


Cat Eating Houseplant

Keep Your Pets Safe from Poisonous Plants

If you have pets, you probably know that lilies are poisonous for cats, but did you know that tulips are dangerous for dogs? Some toxic plants don’t just cause gastric irritation — they can cause death. As you’re planning to add more plants … read more

An adult male pileated woodpecker feeds peanut butter suet to a juvenile male.

This Forest Icon is the Last of its Kind

When it comes to majestic birds, people often think of bald eagles and trumpeter swans. But would anyone call a woodpecker majestic? The 1800s and early 1900s were a period of unprecedented destruction across North America. Colossal forests were completely decimated to harvest … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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