Tag: wildlife


Signs of Spring

Valentine’s Day is Time for Hummingbird Courtship

Female Anna’s hummingbirds begin building their nests in February. They will be searching through gardens in the West Sound region, looking for nesting materials. Portions of seed pods from last year’s clematis blossoms are popular. These are the feathery tufts still clinging to … read more

Belfair Community Trail System

The Belfair Community Trail System

The Belfair community might soon be recognized as one of the best places in the state to take a nature hike. A trail system currently runs through the Theler Wetlands on a 5-mile loop connecting the wetlands to the Belfair State Park, and … read more

Black-capped chickadee

Winter is Birdhouse Time

Winter is the best time to think about birdhouses. The birds are starting to think about where they will nest once spring arrives. Where houses are already in place, it isn’t unusual to see chickadees exploring them in January and February. They may … read more


This aggregating anemone is in the process of becoming two organisms by binary fission.

The Battle of the Colonies in Real Life: Slow-Motion Science on the Beach

Where would you go to find a clonal colony of creatures armed with thousands of neurotoxin-filled harpoons engaged in deadly combat? To find the front line of an intergenerational clone-colony war, you need go no farther than your local beach. The humble sea … read more

Holiday Birds

Holiday Birds

Birds have been a part of holiday celebrations and traditions for hundreds of years. Their place in the festivities continues to grow. During dark Scandinavian and Northern European winters, Christmas celebrations brightened the days and lifted spirits. A large part of the activities … read more

Salmon Center
Art in Public Places

Welcome to the Salmon Center

Research and education aren’t the only things you’ll find at The Salmon Center in Belfair — there’s also art! The beautiful, etched-glass double door (see gallery at bottom) was the creation of local artist Randy Calm of Phoenix Design South. Calm, who specializes … read more



Identification Guidelines for Bird Watchers

The late Roger Tory Peterson developed an identification system for birds that eventually earned him the title “dean of birdwatchers.” When first introduced, these guidelines were designed to aid in the identification of birds seen from a distance. They evolved into an all-encompassing … read more



Salmon Tours at Donkey Creek a Chance to Observe Salmon in Restored Habitat

Did you know that there is treasure in the Puget Sound? Lacing the shores and in the rivers are glints of ruby red and emerald green that will catch a watchful eye. However, this is not the treasure of pirates and gemstones, but … read more

The Yoga Salmon Trail

The Yoga Salmon Trail

Not heaven, not quite — the Pacific Northwest is a bevy of sparkling amenities, things to do and see that capture the soul. One of those things is my “Yoga Salmon Trail” morning adventure in Belfair. It started at the new, multimillion-dollar Faith … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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