Tag: wellness


streaming yoga

Mental Health Tips for Cabin Fever

Editor’s note: Where necessary, check out the credentials and qualifications of the therapists you contact. One way to check credentials is by seeing if they are listed on the registers of one of the U.S. organizations that train and provide certification to a … read more


Alzheimer Care

New Discoveries Made about Alzheimer’s Disease in 2019

In 2019, researchers discovered meaningful insights into the causes, risk factors and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Here are five of these discoveries: 1. Lifestyle may play a major role in reducing risk. It’s understood that eating a healthy diet and … read more


doctor patient research

How an Ounce of Prevention Can Save Your Life

The rising health risks associated with our overplanned, busy lifestyles have become common knowledge in the popular press over the last 10 years. It is well advertised that Americans are more overweight than other developed countries, with 39.8 percent of adults categorized as … read more


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10 Doctor-Recommended Healthy Habits

Are you looking for tangible ways to improve your health? Not sure where to start? Consider the top recommendations from the American Medical Association (AMA). “From time to time, it’s important to consider your personal goals, and how you can make positive health … read more


umbrella girl

5 Tips to Keep Allergy Sufferers from Dreading Spring

From flowers poking through the ground to ditching winter parkas, it’s easy to look forward to spring. Unless, of course, you have allergies. Then, the path to warmer weather and additional daylight could be marked with watery eyes, sneezing and a runny nose. … read more

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