Tag: water

Deits Coming Home

Coming Home

A couple with Kitsap County roots moves cross-country...

No history of Lemolo would be complete without a mention of the Deits family. In 1910, Harry Lou Deits helped plot what was then known as Le-mo-lo Acres, a stretch of land that covered nearly the entire little peninsula that lies to the … read more

Bloedel Reserve (Photo Courtesy beautifulwashington.com)

Inspirational Walks and Hikes

Many of us have heard the saying, “Go take a hike.” At one time, this was a negative phrase, but now it could become our mantra for getting out and exploring all the abundant trails that surround us in West Sound, from the … read more

Gig Harbor Gondola

Enjoying Gig Harbor from an Authentic Venetian Gondola

The shiny, sleek black boats being piloted around Gig Harbor are authentic vessels imported from Venice, Italy. Gondoliers John “Cinque” Synco and business partner Greg Garite even order their “uniform” striped shirts and straw hats from Venice. The pair wish to pay homage … read more


Fabulous Baths

These pages of brilliant baths are filled with inspiring ideas (and incredible photographs) that will have you rethinking the form and function of your own baths. We’re highlighting styles ranging from quiet and modern to timelessly traditional. But, they all have one thing … read more

Naturally Gifted

Naturally Gifted

A couple with a knack for renovation transform...

When there’s a nest of flamingos at the head of the drive, you know there’s creativity down the road. At the Hood Canal home of Doug and Lynn Marshall, a flock of lawn flamingos, complete with chicks and bright plastic Easter eggs, introduces … read more

(Photo courtesy John and Kathleen Bullivant)

The Garden Conservancy Open Day Tours

It could be argued that in the Pacific Northwest, gardening-mania far surpasses baseball as the favorite sport. With the help of April showers, June gardens are primped, pruned and ready for ohs! and ahs! as garden tour season begins. Knowledgeable gardeners anticipate The … read more

Nantucket Home

Rejuvenating the Past

A remodel where everything old is new again...

Joanne Peterson and her bernedoodle, Winne, stand in the welcoming front door of her Nantucket-style cottage: a simple, snug home with a shingled exterior built to withstand weather coming in off the inlet. Memories of quintessential waterside cottages flood in when stepping into … read more


Snip-n-drip irrigation systems apply water directly where it is needed and fit any garden planted in rows. (Photo courtesy of Gardener's Supply Company)

Tips for Designing and Maintaining a Low-Maintenance Garden

Don’t let your spring garden enthusiasm lead to overplanting and the creation of a summer gardening nightmare. A design with maintenance in mind and some strategic care can help reduce the time you spend managing your gardens and landscape. Consider using fewer plant … read more

Lisa's Leaves

Lisa’s Leaves — An Enchanting Destination

Sitting serenely at the top of a hill with a peek-a-boo view of Sinclair Inlet is the home and business of Lisa and Dave Connelly. Towering trees border the open spaces of the 8-acre property that showcases the picture-book home, orchard, garden, flower … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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