Tag: trees

Bareroot Planting
Teri's Tips

Spring Is Here!

March is my favorite month for planting bareroot trees, shrubs, roses and herbaceous edibles. By planting bareroot, you’ll save money. Here are some plant suggestions: Tree types: Flowering • Fruit • Shade Shrubs: Lilacs • Flowering currants • Dogwoods • Bridal spirea • … read more

A female Myrtle subspecies of yellow-rumped warbler contemplates its next move at the Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge near Olympia.

Bringing in Spring with a Vibrant, Versatile Warbler

Springtime means birdsong. As frosty mornings give way to budding leaves, singing songbirds are a harbinger of winter’s departure and the arrival of spring. Year-round species such as American robins, Pacific wrens and song sparrows are among the first to belt out their … read more

Master Gardener Linda Broun

A Master Gardener’s Paradise for a Smaller Lot

Sometimes moving into a planned community poses challenges for a gardener. There are homeowner association (HOA) rules, smaller lots and restrictions for fences, and if the lot happens to be on a golf course, that just adds to the puzzle. Master Gardener Linda … read more

Holiday Decorating

How to Deck the Halls for Your Holidays

“Deck the halls” is a phrase synonymous with the holiday season. Regardless of personal taste, bringing some extra cheer into the home during the winter months is a cherished pastime for many. From minimal clean decor to the maximalist designs that enchant you, … read more


Use a quality bypass pruner to cut back and dispose of any diseased or insect-infested plants. (Photo courtesy of Corona Tools)

Fall Landscape Care with Pollinators in Mind

No matter where you live, investing time into your landscape care now will pay off with a healthier, more beautiful landscape next spring and for years to come. Incorporate the following practices into your fall maintenance to support pollinators and the plants in … read more

Woodbrook Native Plant Nursery

Supporting the Natural Ecosystem with Native Plants

Specialty nurseries are a magnet for serious gardeners — and Woodbrook Native Plant Nursery, located in Gig Harbor’s backyard, is a favorite. With a timely message for gardeners concerned about garden resiliency for climate change, Ingrid Wachtler and her staff are ready to … read more


Fall Yard Leaf Management

Tips for the Fall Family Yard

Fall is a great time to be in your family yard. “Our yards are giving us ways to keep living,” says Kris Kiser, president of the TurfMutt Foundation. “Your backyard can help you stay active and thrive. It’s where you might throw a … read more

Bloedel Reserve (Photo Courtesy beautifulwashington.com)

Inspirational Walks and Hikes

Many of us have heard the saying, “Go take a hike.” At one time, this was a negative phrase, but now it could become our mantra for getting out and exploring all the abundant trails that surround us in West Sound, from the … read more

Secret Garden Dream

The Dream of a ‘Secret Garden’ Comes to Life as a Place of Solace

Stepping into the garden surrounding the happy yellow house on a quiet cul-de-sac, you are entering a wonderland of vignettes — a secret garden full of treasures at every turn. Blousy, full, flowering plants; miniature glass houses; displays of birdhouses; and even a … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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