Tag: things to do


(Photo: © Chris Ryan / iStock via Getty Images Plus)

6 Tips for Refinancing Your Mortgage

The recent economic downturn has caused many Americans to worry about their money, but there is at least one potential bright spot: lower interest rates. For homeowners, this means that it may be time to consider refinancing your mortgage. Refinancing can give you … read more



5 Ways to Create a Family-Friendly and Fun ‘Staycation’

With summer vacations looking a little different this year, infusing new energy into playtime — and making it a family affair — can turn time at home into a fun “staycation.” Both kids and adults can quickly grow tired of the same scenery … read more


Glass Jar Layered Taco Salad

Update Classic Summer Recipes with Asian-Inspired Flair

A distinctive and unexpected ingredient like rice vinegar is an easy way to bring far-away flavors to your favorite summer dishes. This pantry staple adds an Asian-inspired flavor to recipes of all kinds, from marinades to high-end meals. Explore a new way to … read more

Port Ludlow (Photo courtesy Bryce Baird)

The Charming Waterfront Community of Port Ludlow

When my wife, Kerri, and I want to take a nice drive, we often head west across the Hood Canal Bridge and take a right — and within 20 minutes, we arrive in the community of Port Ludlow. It takes us about 45 … read more


physical therapy

The Benefits of Physical Therapy for Arthritis Relief

Many individuals who have arthritis “treat” their pain by simply avoiding activity — usually because they think movement and exercise would be uncomfortable. But the opposite may be true. Movement and exercise may help relieve symptoms, according to physical therapist Jackie Gfeller with … read more


"Americans" at the National Museum of the American Indian is available online. (Photo: © Paul Morigi/AP for the National Museum of the American Indian)

Things to Do This Summer: Make a (Virtual) ‘Visit’ to the Smithsonian

If you are looking for new things to this summer do while staying home or social distancing, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian has you covered. The museum has lots of free content available for both adults and kids, including digital … read more

Garden Sheds

The Garden Shed Takes Back Stage in the Garden

Every garden needs a work area: a “behind the scenes” staging space where all the glories of the garden are dressed, groomed and rehearsed until they are ready to make their entrance. This can be a spot tucked away out of sight with … read more


(Photo: © monkeybusinessimages / iStock via Getty Images Plus)

4 Steps for Developing a Thoughtful Estate Plan

Many people may avoid estate planning because they think it can be put off until later in life. But experts agree that adults of any age should have a plan in place to make sure their financial affairs are in order after they … read more


auto tips

Getting Ready to Drive Again? Check Your Car for These Three Things First

As restrictions are being loosened up on stay-at-home orders, so you may be ready to finally take the family on a road trip or return to work. Since your car may have sat relatively idle over the last few months, the following tips … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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