Tag: things to do


Transform Your Home

Want to Jump on the Real Estate Boom? Start Here.

Over the past several months, everyone’s lives have been upended, with consequences nobody predicted. One unexpected result of the pandemic? A real estate boom. With so many more people working from home, people are reevaluating their living spaces, including those who need to … read more


Cooking from the Pantry — A Quick Pasta Puttanesca

There always comes that day sometime between the holidays or shortly after when cooking another meal seems to be just too much. We are tired after a day out on a fresh air hike or putting away all the holiday decor, and the … read more


(Photo courtesy of Getty Images)

Four Tire Tips for Safe Winter Driving

Even the most experienced drivers can encounter challenges when driving on slick roads caused by rain, ice and snow or dealing with the impact of colder temperatures during the winter months. Inclement weather and sloppy road conditions are a factor in nearly half … read more


shoulder stretching

How to Avoid Bad Posture That ‘Sneaks Up’ as Shoulder Pain with Age

Shoulder pain in older adults often appears suddenly, as if caused by a sudden trauma or injury. But for many people, shoulder injuries are often the result of musculoskeletal conditions directly associated with aging and, more specifically, poor or weakening posture, according to Kitsap County … read more

Kayaking on Hood Canal, Seabeck
Travel Bug

Three Cottages to Get Away, Less than Three Hours Away

Cancelled vacations. Postponed honeymoons. Delayed holidays. This is how we will remember 2020. Travel plans all for naught. As this most-memorable year draws closer to an end, it might be the right time to plan a close-to-home getaway. A weekend or longer that … read more

Great room (Photo courtesy Clarity NW, claritynw.com)
Design|Build 2021A

Simple Ways to add Luxurious Details

Luxury lies within the intricacies of design. The perception of soft and lush textiles, shining crystal and high-polished metallics can instantly elevate a space to feel more lavish. Luxurious designs, by description, embrace opulence at great expense. Complete interiors can revolve around this … read more

Decking the Halls

Decking the Halls

Christmas starts in October at Ann Ryan’s home on Oyster Bay. That’s when she hauls out the boxes and boxes of holiday decorations she’s collected over the years and starts decking the halls of the 100-year-old home. Ryan’s collection includes Christmas-themed paintings, dozens … read more


A Visit with Santa

Yes, there is a Santa Claus. He lives on the Key Peninsula when he is not at the North Pole tending his reindeer or supervising the elves in the toy shop. His “Ho! Ho! Ho!” is most convincing, and he has a bag … read more


(Photo: © Sasha_Suzi / iStock via Getty Images Plus)

Four Things You Can Do While Home for the Holidays

During the holidays, you may be seeking comfort, whether that’s the comfort of home — or anywhere but home. With travel precautions making possibilities somewhat limited this year, you may not be able to take the exact trip you’ve been dreaming about. However, … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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