Tag: things to do


(Photo courtesy YMCA of the USA)

Tips for Staying Safe Around the Water

Summer means that more children spend time in and around water areas such as pools, lakes and oceans. Like many parents, you worry about your children’s safety around water, no matter how old they are. According to the CDC, drowning is the leading … read more

Anemone nemorosa

Heronswood Comes Full Circle

Recently, a group led on a private Heronswood tour by Dan Hinkley, one of the founders, learned a brief history of the garden. You can never go back to the same place and have it be the same. Even though the story of … read more


Miller Bay Preserve (Photo courtesy Jonathan Decker)

Two Local Groups Partner to Preserve Scenic Shoreline and Forest

Great Peninsula Conservancy has partnered with Friends of Miller Bay to save 13 acres of critical forest and shoreline habitat on Miller Bay in north Kitsap County. The preserve connects conserved lands in the Grovers Creek Watershed. Great Peninsula Conservancy (GPC) — a … read more


Natural Disaster Damage

Five Steps to Prepare Yourself Financially for a Natural Disaster

When a natural disaster strikes, moving your family to immediate safety is always the top priority, which means there is often little time to think about the financial details that can make the recovery process go smoothly. That’s why it’s crucial to be … read more


BARN exterior

Learning and Creating Collaboratively at BARN

Nobel prize winning author Thomas Mann once said, “Art is to the community what dream is to the individual.” For Bainbridge Island’s BARN (Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network), it was the shared dreams of the area’s artists and makers that built a uniquely Bainbridge … read more


rocky road sweet pizza

A Decadent Dessert Pizza

Pizza and dessert are two things nearly any crowd can agree on. Combining classic rocky road ingredients — chocolate, marshmallows and peanuts — on a giant cookie crust makes for a sweet treat that’s perfect for a crowd and can be sliced and … read more



How to Prepare for Your Next Road Trip

Almost 100 million Americans will go on a family vacation sometime this year, and nearly half of them will choose to make it a road trip, according to AAA. If your family is one of them, you’ll want to be sure to make … read more

Boat Shed

The Boat Shed at Manette — An Eclectic Mix of Fine and Casual Dining

Celebrating its 40th year in business, the Boat Shed Restaurant at the base of the Manette Bridge is fast becoming the latest destination eatery for locals and Seattleites alike. From the humble beginnings as a longtime bait shop discovered in the late 1970s … read more


Bloedel Reserve

Enjoy Shakespeare Under the Sky at Bloedel

BPA’s seventh annual Summertime Shakespeare performance July 11-28 at the Bloedel Reserve offers a dramatic summer evening for all ages. Widely considered to be one of Shakespeare’s finest comedies, “As You Like It” offers something for everyone: villainy, romance, humor and a happy … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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