Tag: parenting


Greer Kirshenbaum, PhD

How to Nurture Your Baby’s Stress

When our babies are experiencing stress, they need to borrow our mature brain to return to a safe, regulated state. Babies can experience stress for all kinds of reasons. Stress can happen when babies have a physical need for feeding, hydration, temperature regulation, … read more


baby chewing plastic

What Every Parent of Young Children Should Know about Plastics

Plastics is not a subject that most of us go to sleep obsessing over or wake up consumed by. But when you are writing a report for EARTHDAY.ORG titled “Babies vs. Plastics,” plastics literally become your life. Plastic is an omnipresent material in … read more


kids hiking

Nurturing Mindful Children in Nature This Season

Summer and fall are prime times to get kids out of the house and spend time outdoors, especially if you live at high altitudes or by the water. As you can imagine, studies show tremendous positive effects for children who spend time outside: … read more


Teen Jobs

Teach Kids Critical Skills While Saving Thousands on Home Maintenance

A recent report suggests that on average, homeowners spend $2,000 every year on home maintenance, including landscaping, housekeeping and plumbing services. Parents can save money, as well as teach responsibility and financial skills, by hiring their own child to do household tasks. Below are some tips … read more

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