Tag: outdoors



Aug. 25 Fly-In & Car Show to Showcase Vintage War Bombers, Helicopters, Classic Cars and More

Enjoy a day on the flight line during the Bremerton National Airport’s Fly-In & Car Show. Previously associated with the Blackberry Festival, this year the Fly-In will take place Saturday, Aug. 25. The event will pack even more unique flight experiences than ever … read more


(Photo courtesy PNW Smoke Cooperators)

Fire Smoke Stretches Across the Northwest — How to Stay Safe

Just as we thought the haze and smoke in the air was due to clear out last week, a fresh wave enveloped us this week. It’s not just a problem in the Puget Sound region — the entire Pacific Northwest and much of … read more

Extending the Home to the Outdoors
Design|Build 2018B

Extending the Home to the Outdoors

Outdoor living spaces for cooking and relaxing are gaining popularity in West Sound. Custom homes are being built with these spaces in mind during the design phase, while owners of existing homes are adding them when time and budgets allow. “Everybody likes outdoor … read more

For more color, add a large container to the garden.

Always a Dark Side in the Garden

Welcome to the dark side. Almost every new gardener wants a garden full of flowers. Usually the flowers on their wish list come from plants that need full sun. And tomatoes — almost everyone wants to grow tomatoes. Yet it is going to … read more


How to Camp like a Scout

A tradition dating back a hundred years, summer camping is the quintessential family experience. For some, it’s the allure of a cheap getaway, as far as vacations go. For others, what makes the idea appealing is the promise that at the end of … read more

The current garden, transformed (Photo courtesy Mike Seidl)

The Magic of Fletcher Bay Gardens

The garden of Nick and Marj Masla represents the best of the lives of the Masla family. This beautiful garden is the culmination of three decades of growing a passion for flowers, creating a retreat, building businesses tied to the bounty of the … read more


Gig Harbor Rooster Races

Gig Harbor Brings Back ‘Rooster Races’

After a 70-year absence, the Gig Harbor Rooster Races made a triumphant return to the Gig Harbor waterfront in July at Skansie Brothers Park during the Gig Harbor Downtown Waterfront Alliance’s Waterfront Block Party. The event pitted contestants against each other on adult-size … read more

Solar array at home in Olalla
Design|Build 2018B

Solar Homes — What you Need to Know before Going Solar

The sight of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on residential roofs around West Sound is no longer a novelty. Enticed by the idea of saving on their power bills — or perhaps the idea of helping save the planet — homeowners are joining the … read more


Orange Butter Sponge Cake

Put a Twist on Savory Summer Entertaining… with Bitters

Flavorful foods and cold drinks are the focal points of just about any summer gathering. Create a party atmosphere that can stand out by adding a bit of island infusion to both bites and beverages so your warm-weather soiree can soar to new … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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