Tag: outdoors

An Outdoor Space to Savor and Share
A Pleasure Garden

An Outdoor Space to Savor and Share

When Kathy Hawkins moved to this region after 40 years in Fairbanks, Alaska, where winters got to 60 degrees below, she threw herself into gardening, undeterred by deer. With tremendous energy and commitment, Hawkins has involved herself in the many gardening resources the … read more

Chico Salmon Park

Chico Salmon Park

Chico Salmon Park is a wonderful 4.5-acre park located near the entrance to the Kitsap Golf & Country Club, at the intersection of Golf Club Road and Chico Way. Each year, an average of 15,000 to 25,000 chum and coho salmon migrate through … read more


(Photo courtesy YMCA of the USA)

Tips for Staying Safe Around the Water

Summer means that more children spend time in and around water areas such as pools, lakes and oceans. Like many parents, you worry about your children’s safety around water, no matter how old they are. According to the CDC, drowning is the leading … read more

Anemone nemorosa

Heronswood Comes Full Circle

Recently, a group led on a private Heronswood tour by Dan Hinkley, one of the founders, learned a brief history of the garden. You can never go back to the same place and have it be the same. Even though the story of … read more


Miller Bay Preserve (Photo courtesy Jonathan Decker)

Two Local Groups Partner to Preserve Scenic Shoreline and Forest

Great Peninsula Conservancy has partnered with Friends of Miller Bay to save 13 acres of critical forest and shoreline habitat on Miller Bay in north Kitsap County. The preserve connects conserved lands in the Grovers Creek Watershed. Great Peninsula Conservancy (GPC) — a … read more

A Caspian tern with a fish after a successful dive

It’s the Season to Tern, Tern, Tern

The summer months bring numerous visitors to West Sound’s shorelines. Some enjoy beach walks, while others prefer a picnic. Boats abound and kites fly high. The wintering waterfowl have long since departed and are raising their families in the sunny Arctic. Marine birds … read more


Cat Eating Houseplant

Keep Your Pets Safe from Poisonous Plants

If you have pets, you probably know that lilies are poisonous for cats, but did you know that tulips are dangerous for dogs? Some toxic plants don’t just cause gastric irritation — they can cause death. As you’re planning to add more plants … read more

Boat Shed

The Boat Shed at Manette — An Eclectic Mix of Fine and Casual Dining

Celebrating its 40th year in business, the Boat Shed Restaurant at the base of the Manette Bridge is fast becoming the latest destination eatery for locals and Seattleites alike. From the humble beginnings as a longtime bait shop discovered in the late 1970s … read more



6 Ways to Help Your Dog Maintain Calm Behavior

Summer can be a stressful time of year for dogs who experience anxious behaviors, with triggers like fireworks, thunderstorms, summer travel and more taking a toll on pets. While you may not be able to prevent your pet’s anxious behaviors entirely, there are … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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