Tag: how-tos

Contemporary Thrifting
Part 1

Contemporary Thrifting with Amy

It will be a wild ride. Climb aboard. Contemporary thrifting is an adventure you won’t soon forget. And with me at the wheel, we’ll hit the highs and the lows, and find nooks and crannies holding unique treasures. I’m going to present a … read more


garage conversions

A Guide to Garage Remodeling

In many homes, garages are unused spaces that have untapped potential. Renovating your garage takes fewer resources than adding on an additional area to your home, while still maximizing floor space. Garage renovations can improve your quality of life and add value to … read more


arkansas possum pie

Recipe for Arkansas Possum Pie

The star of your next spread can be hidden away in the refrigerator for a surprise delight for your guests. It’s topped with chocolate syrup and chopped pecans, and your loved ones just may vote it to be their favorite dish. It’s an … read more


flu shot

Flu Season is Here: What You Need to Know

After more than 18 months of taking precautions to help stop the spread of COVID-19, the world is slowly reopening — families and friends are reuniting, workers are heading back into the office and children are going back into school. But as the … read more


Broccoli Cauliflower Cheddar Quinoa Bites

Four Egg-Powered Recipes for Kids’ Lunch and Snacking

The school year can be full of challenges, but fueling kids for a full day of learning tops the priority list. Affordable and easy to prepare, eggs are a key ingredient for successful days in the classroom. From a wide variety of breakfast … read more


Projects to Consider Before Seasonal Changes

Quick, Inexpensive Home Maintenance Projects for Your Weekend

Home maintenance. The very words might evoke thoughts of an entire weekend spent laboring at home instead of relaxing in it, but that doesn’t always have to be the case. “Not every home maintenance project has to be a large undertaking or one … read more


For Every Thing, There’s a Season

In recent memory, not much has been pleasant. We have all struggled, suffered and persevered over the past 18 months or so. Gratefully, we finally seem to be coming out the other side of the worst experience — older, wiser and, for many … read more


Peanut Butter Saltine Candy

Recipe for Peanut Butter Saltine Candy

With an easy recipe like Peanut Butter Saltine Candy that calls for just a handful of ingredients, you can get the whole family involved in the kitchen. Ask your little helpers to measure out ingredients while a grownup prepares the pan and uses … read more

Our Daily Bread


Sourdough is probably the oldest leavened bread known to mankind, and most likely it was discovered by accident. When grain flour is mixed with water and allowed to sit for an extended period of time, the result is a natural fermentation that produces … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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