Tag: home


portable air condiitioning

Purchasing a Portable AC? Keep These Tips in Mind

If you’re planning to buy a portable AC unit to beat the summer heat, you may want to do a little homework to avoid enticing promises and clever marketing tactics that don’t deliver. Here’s how to be a savvy shopper: Ratings: Be aware … read more


Grilled Sweet Potato and Blueberry Salad

Recipe for Grilled Sweet Potato and Blueberry Salad

Get out of the kitchen and head outdoors this summer for fresh, delicious meals that call for lighting the grill and relaxing in the warmth of the season. Take some of your favorite courses — like salads, for instance — to the next … read more


plumbing repairs

Plumbing the Most Common Home Repair in Washington

39% of homeowners put off home repairs due...

Owning a home comes with many advantages: and a space to call your own no annoying landlords, but the responsibility of maintaining a home can quickly become overwhelming when unexpected repairs arise. A recent survey of Americans across the country by All Star … read more

Approximately 5,000 plants will be stored for the spring plant sale.

Garden ‘Remodeling’ with the Kitsap Master Gardeners Salvage Team

It happens when you’ve been gardening in the same place for a long time: You realize you are living in an overgrown jungle. Unless you’ve been really conscientious about dividing your muscular perennials every few years, you suddenly notice they are not blooming … read more


Cat grass kits are easy to grow and provide fresh, healthy wheatgrass, oat grass and ryegrass for cats to nibble on instead of your plants. (Photo courtesy of True Leaf Market)

Keep Your Houseplants Safe from Cats

Growing houseplants when curious cats are in the house can be challenging. We want our cats to be safe and happy while keeping our houseplants intact. You can accomplish both with a few simple strategies. Boost indoor gardening success by selecting plants suited to … read more

Gig Harbor Garden Tour 2023

Gig Harbor Garden Tour — An Inspiration for All Gardeners

After a season of unusual cold and snow, it is a gardener’s joy to see spring shoots promising summer abundance. This year’s annual Gig Harbor Garden Tour offers a rich summer palette of color, natural foliage, manicured pathways and a natural forest. There … read more


peach pie

Recipe for Fresh Peach Pie

From the hearty and warm flavors of winter to the bold, rich and bright flavors of summer, herbs and spices are not only a delicious and better-for-you addition to any dish, they can transform it into unforgettable memories. June 10 is National Herbs … read more

asthma control

How to Control Your Asthma When Outdoor Air Quality is Bad

Asthma, a lung disease that makes breathing difficult for over 24 million Americans, is often exacerbated by air pollution and the effects of climate change. However, understanding how the environment impacts asthma can help you minimize your exposure to air pollutants and prepare … read more


lemon cheesecake

Recipe for Lemon Cheesecake with Fruit

Spring and summertime often bring cravings for fresh fruits that add a hint of sweetness to warm-weather gatherings. Serving up a delicious dessert for family and guests starts with favorite produce in this Lemon Cheesecake with Fruit. The touch of tangy tartness is … read more

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