Tag: gardening

Lisa's Leaves

Lisa’s Leaves — An Enchanting Destination

Sitting serenely at the top of a hill with a peek-a-boo view of Sinclair Inlet is the home and business of Lisa and Dave Connelly. Towering trees border the open spaces of the 8-acre property that showcases the picture-book home, orchard, garden, flower … read more


A Hartley Botanic Victorian Lodge in the Czech Republic

Upgrading and Refreshing Your Greenhouse

Hartley Botanic is an English, luxury glasshouse manufacturer whose beautiful, handmade glasshouses and greenhouses are now available to US customers. The company’s experts have provided WestSound Home & Garden with their top tips on how you can best style, organize and refresh your … read more

Plant display at Bay Hay and Feed

West Sound Nurseries

Spring is here, which means it’s time to go on a journey around West Sound exploring our unique and wonderful garden nurseries — time to find the spring bloomers that lift the late-season garden. Let me take you on a hop-and-shop journey into … read more


spring landscaping

Five Spring Landscape Projects

There is no better time to spend outdoors than when the weather begins to warm up again and everything starts coming back to life. After a winter spent mostly indoors, everyone is ready to get outside and enjoy some fresh air. Preparing your … read more


Wire wall pocket planters dress up walls with color and interest. (Photo courtesy Gardener's Supply Company)

Create a Garden Oasis in Any Size Yard, Deck or Balcony

No matter where you garden, there never seems to be enough time and space to accomplish all your gardening goals. Make the most of every minute and square foot of space in your landscape, deck, patio or balcony. Start with a vision of … read more

Campanula Bellflower
Teri's Tips

Campanula Bellflower

Campanulas are my new favorite plant. There are about 500 varieties — encompassed trailers, creeping or tufted miniatures and erect kinds 1 to 6 feet. Most are perennials; some are biennials or annuals. Flowers are usually bell-shaped, though some are star-shaped, cupped or … read more


Landscaping for Wildlife

March and April are perfect months for selecting and planting woody shrubs and trees. This year, consider adding plants to feed and shelter wildlife, especially birds and pollinators. Choose from both evergreen and deciduous plants. Evergreen plants provide shelter and nesting areas throughout … read more

Teri Cole
Teri's Tips

I Love Winter!

As it gets chilly and the temps drop, I always wish for a beautiful snowfall, which is so good for the garden. A blanket of snow insulates the plants and allows a slow and deep watering as it melts away. As my garden … read more


cattleya orchid

Choosing and Caring for Orchid Plants

Orchidaceae, the Orchid family, is a diverse group of flowering plants belonging to the Liliopsida class. Found on every continent except Antarctica, orchids are one of the largest families of flowering plants. With more than 28,000 species, there are more orchids on the … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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