Tag: flowers


Provide heat-stressed plants in containers relief by moving them into the shade during heat waves.

Keep Plants Thriving Despite the Heat of Summer

Above-normal summer temperatures have been common in the last few years in many regions of the country, taking a toll on gardeners and landscapes. Adjusting how you manage your gardens and landscape can help plants thrive as temperatures rise. Water plants thoroughly to … read more

Teri's Tips

Attracting Pollinators to Your Garden

Hummingbirds, butterflies and bees! Sadly, there has been a decline in the health of our pollinators, and it’s important for gardeners to create a pollinator-friendly garden. You will need to provide blooming plants, which is their food source; shelter in the form of … read more

Adler Garden

A ‘Real Garden’ Thrives with Natural Habitat and Stunning Plants

Tucked away on Eagle Harbor’s south side, in the Eagledale neighborhood on Bainbridge Island, is a charming, private garden offering its owners year-round beauty and joy. Designed by Bainbridge Island garden designer Teri Cole, the garden makes best use of its natural habitat, … read more

Rhododendron Dream

Rhododendron Dream

Sometimes we need to see things from a new angle, in order to realize how wonderful something truly is. Charmond Adkins of Poulsbo found this to be true the rhododendron flower. “I got interested in rhododendrons about 40 years ago, when I first … read more

Approximately 5,000 plants will be stored for the spring plant sale.

Garden ‘Remodeling’ with the Kitsap Master Gardeners Salvage Team

It happens when you’ve been gardening in the same place for a long time: You realize you are living in an overgrown jungle. Unless you’ve been really conscientious about dividing your muscular perennials every few years, you suddenly notice they are not blooming … read more


Cat grass kits are easy to grow and provide fresh, healthy wheatgrass, oat grass and ryegrass for cats to nibble on instead of your plants. (Photo courtesy of True Leaf Market)

Keep Your Houseplants Safe from Cats

Growing houseplants when curious cats are in the house can be challenging. We want our cats to be safe and happy while keeping our houseplants intact. You can accomplish both with a few simple strategies. Boost indoor gardening success by selecting plants suited to … read more

Crazy Hill Garden & Botanicals

Crazy Plants at Crazy Hill

Crazy Hill Garden & Botanicals in Belfair lives up to its name. The nursery, which opened in March 2021, provides a laid-back, fun, artistic and casual atmosphere for its customers. “The big-box shops buy safe, and we buy fun,” says Crazy Hill Garden … read more

Gig Harbor Garden Tour 2023

Gig Harbor Garden Tour — An Inspiration for All Gardeners

After a season of unusual cold and snow, it is a gardener’s joy to see spring shoots promising summer abundance. This year’s annual Gig Harbor Garden Tour offers a rich summer palette of color, natural foliage, manicured pathways and a natural forest. There … read more

(Photo courtesy John and Kathleen Bullivant)

The Garden Conservancy Open Day Tours

It could be argued that in the Pacific Northwest, gardening-mania far surpasses baseball as the favorite sport. With the help of April showers, June gardens are primped, pruned and ready for ohs! and ahs! as garden tour season begins. Knowledgeable gardeners anticipate The … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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