Tag: flowers

Savage Plants

Sanctuary from a Hectic World — Savage Plants & Landscape

Nursery provides a wonderful blend of plants, landscape...

Savage Plants & Landscape in Kingston is a family-owned nursery that does more than just sell plants. Jim and Joan Savage started the nursery in 1993. Jim Savage runs the landscape division, and his daughter, Hollie Savage, is the nursery manager. “My mom … read more

An Outdoor Space to Savor and Share
A Pleasure Garden

An Outdoor Space to Savor and Share

When Kathy Hawkins moved to this region after 40 years in Fairbanks, Alaska, where winters got to 60 degrees below, she threw herself into gardening, undeterred by deer. With tremendous energy and commitment, Hawkins has involved herself in the many gardening resources the … read more

Chico Salmon Park

Chico Salmon Park

Chico Salmon Park is a wonderful 4.5-acre park located near the entrance to the Kitsap Golf & Country Club, at the intersection of Golf Club Road and Chico Way. Each year, an average of 15,000 to 25,000 chum and coho salmon migrate through … read more

Anemone nemorosa

Heronswood Comes Full Circle

Recently, a group led on a private Heronswood tour by Dan Hinkley, one of the founders, learned a brief history of the garden. You can never go back to the same place and have it be the same. Even though the story of … read more


Miller Bay Preserve (Photo courtesy Jonathan Decker)

Two Local Groups Partner to Preserve Scenic Shoreline and Forest

Great Peninsula Conservancy has partnered with Friends of Miller Bay to save 13 acres of critical forest and shoreline habitat on Miller Bay in north Kitsap County. The preserve connects conserved lands in the Grovers Creek Watershed. Great Peninsula Conservancy (GPC) — a … read more


Bloedel Reserve

Enjoy Shakespeare Under the Sky at Bloedel

BPA’s seventh annual Summertime Shakespeare performance July 11-28 at the Bloedel Reserve offers a dramatic summer evening for all ages. Widely considered to be one of Shakespeare’s finest comedies, “As You Like It” offers something for everyone: villainy, romance, humor and a happy … read more



How to Attract Pollinators with Container Planters

Container planters can help you play a part in attracting pollinators, even if you don’t have a yard. In the United States, one-third of all agricultural output depends on pollinators — we need pollinators and pollinators need us. Help the pollinators do their … read more

Gig Harbor Garden Tour

Gig Harbor Garden Tour

Gardeners seem to be some of the happiest and nicest people on Earth. There is something euphoric about getting one’s hands in the soil, planting little sprouts and seeds, and watching them become beautiful, living things. As if that weren’t enough to make … read more

North Carolina Botanical Garden’s “A Hedge against Extinction”

Art in the Garden

"Attract the eye, and the feet will follow."...

Art is an integral part of our lives and is present in our homes, landscapes and public spaces. Gardens have long been a place for art installations, a practice that dwells in history. Even ancient gardens needed structures, and out of that need … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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