Tag: charities


Nonprofit Spotlight

Permission to Start Dreaming Foundation

Supporting Armed Forces, Veterans and First Responders

Washington state is a flood with almost 45,000 registered and legit not-for-profit organizations. Their missions are wide ranging, but all attempt to address a significant community need, often relying completely on donor funding and an active cadre of community volunteers to do so. … read more


Midday steward Jill Dabbs out to stock her pantry. Stewards have custom shirts to share what they do.

Rotary Club’s ‘Little Food Pantry’ Project Begins Fourth Year

The Rotary Club of Gig Harbor Midday “Little Food Pantry Project” embarks on its fourth year providing emergency food, thanks in part to a UD5020 District Matching Grant. The grant provided a total of $3,000 for purchasing food to supplement donation and fundraising … read more

2023 summer reception

Kitsap Community Foundation

The Kitsap Community Foundation’s mission is to be “a catalyst for the greater good.” Founded in 1993 by local community leaders, the foundation partners with donors and others to invest in local nonprofits “to foster a more vibrant community for the benefit of … read more


Volunteer Alex stocks the vegetable cooler.
Nonprofit Spotlight


Kitsap and Jefferson County Nonprofits — With the...

Washington state is a flood with almost 45,000 registered and legit not-for-profit organizations. Their missions are wide ranging, but all attempt to address a significant community need, often relying completely on donor funding and an active cadre of community volunteers to do so. … read more

Rock Steady Boxing

Fight Back Against Parkinson’s with Rock Steady Boxing

It’s 3 p.m. on a Thursday and upstairs at Gig Harbor’s Tom Taylor YMCA, a group of about 23 men and women are gathering, pulling up chairs to face mirrors, laughing and checking in on each other while the music of Fleetwood Mac … read more

Kathleen Sutton Fund

Kathleen Sutton Fund

Reimbursing transportation costs for women undergoing treatment for...

The pain of being diagnosed with cancer is overwhelming. The physical, emotional and — in many cases — financial impact can be immense, not just for the patient, but for the entire family. According to the National Cancer Institute, 75% of people diagnosed … read more

food 4 kids
Food Backpacks 4 Kids

Gig Harbor Midday Rotary Delivers $4,000 In Food Staples

The Rotary Club of Gig Harbor Midday has a long relationship with Food Backpacks 4 Kids on the Key Peninsula and offers this local food bank ongoing support in many forms. Recently, the club initiated a project to secure extra food for Food … read more

Leave 10 Kitsap

Leaving a Charitable Legacy

Individuals in the Kitsap area are thinking about the future of their assets. Of course, many will leave their wealth to their children. However, another wonderful way to leave assets to future generations is through charitable giving. According to Carol Kowalski, a member … read more

Dr. Paul McCullough with one of his Peter Maxx pieces

Charitable Art

Dr. Paul McCullough's donation is a "combination of...

Confucius once said, “If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help someone else.” Charity is the gift that keeps on giving, and there are many ways to give generously. Dr. Paul McCullough has … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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