Tag: 0001


social gatherings

The Art of Giving Meaningful Compliments

Your hair looks amazing! I love your shoes! You look so skinny in that dress! How often do we all hear — and give — compliments of this sort about physical appearance, clothing or accessories? My bet is, pretty often. But do they … read more


chocolate coated strawberry treats

Recipe for Chocolate-Covered Strawberries

When you are craving something sweet, sometimes you just can’t get it off your mind until you have just one bite. You need something small, delicious and something that will ease your cravings. This recipe for Chocolate Coated Strawberry Treats is not only … read more


auto maintenance

Need to Keep Your Vehicle Longer? Follow These Maintenance Tips

Supply shortages and production delays have made it tough to find a new car in 2021, which means many people might consider holding on to their vehicles for longer. In order to extend the life of their vehicles, many drivers may choose to … read more

Valentines Getaways

Recharge with a Day or Few Away

Some of our "Scouted" favorites

With Valentine’s Day falling on a Sunday, a weekend away is the perfect recipe for a romantic getaway. Or connect with your gal pals with a fun Galantine’s Day away celebration. A few of these options have spa services and are close to … read more


red velvet mug cake

Recipe for Red Velvet Mug Cake for Your Valentine

On the sweetest day of the year, a day full of flowers, love and sweets, Valentine’s Day is the ultimate opportunity to try a different dessert meant for two. It’s hard to resist a perfectly blended, rose-red, luscious Red Velvet Mug Cake. It’s … read more


luxury bathroom

Remodel with Universal Design in Mind

Local code ensures new construction homes and renovation projects reflect the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Universal design, on the other hand, does more than make living spaces more accessible for those with disabilities. It expands on regulations to create more … read more



‘Backyarding’ Trends to Watch in 2022

“Backyarding,” the trend to move indoor activities outdoors that was made popular during the pandemic, is here to stay and will continue to expand this year, according to the TurfMutt Foundation, an environmental education and stewardship program that encourages outdoor living and caring … read more


No-Bake Sweet Potato Coconut Ginger Energy Bites

Recipe for a Better-for-You Energy Booster

Whether you’re a runner, a workout warrior or simply looking for a quick pick-me-up before heading to the office, grab-and-go foods can supply the energy you need for an active day. Skipping salty snacks and opting for nutritious options can put you ahead … read more


(Photo courtesy of Getty Images)

Six Tips to Keep Pets Safe and Warm This Winter

Just as people prepare their homes, cars and families for extreme temperatures and weather events of winter, it’s important to remember pets’ needs this time of year. As cold weather sets in, Dr. Jennifer Freeman, DVM, resident veterinarian at PetSmart, shares these tips … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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