Brussels Sprouts
In the Market Now

Brussels Sprouts

Little, green mini cabbages that are frequently offered on long, straight stems intrigue the eye and confound the mind. A staple winter vegetable, Brussels sprouts suffer a love/hate relationship with most consumers. Those with a more sophisticated palate usually enjoy them and prepare … read more

Prime Real Estate

How to Reclaim the Prime Real Estate in Your Own House

Most of us have some idea in our minds about what “prime real estate” means. We sometimes use this phrase to discuss a particularly good location, a convenient parking spot or even (according to the Urban Dictionary) a desirable person. We probably also … read more



Choosing the Right Flooring for Your Home

If you have spaces that could use new floor coverings, you have a lot of choices. Before you make a decision, consider the possibilities — and the people and pets living in your home. Carpet: It’s soft underfoot and looks nice, while also … read more

Design Advice from the Experts
Design in 2017

Design — Advice from the Experts

This is a great time of the year...

Trends in home design for 2017 run the gamut from simple and strong to bold and reclaimed. Tranquil baths, bold flooring and attention to reusable materials top the list. Just like in fashion trends, there are… always hot new colors and styles — … read more


Frozen Pipes

How to Winterize Your Plumbing

With the temperatures dipping this time of year, now would be a good time to winterize your plumbing. Although the Pacific Northwest is known for mild winter temperatures, there are still a few safety precautions you can take to make sure your pipes … read more

"Betty," the vintage trailer
Travel Bug

Westward Ho on the Mother Road

"Get your kicks on Route 66."

Route 66. The Mother Road. The Will Rogers Highway. The Main Street of America. No matter how you refer to it, one of the original highways in the United States is both iconic and unrecognizable at the same time. And driving it from … read more


Blueberry Buckwheat Pancakes
Smart Start

Breakfast Recipes for a Healthy New Year

A commitment to health and wellness means taking care of yourself and your family, exercising and eating right. The New Year is the perfect time to refocus your goals and make better health a priority. A nutrient-rich breakfast can set you up for … read more

Outdoor Remodeling

Outdoor Remodeling — More than Just a Barbecue

How to Plan and Execute an Outdoor Remodel

For many Pacific Northwest residents, cooking and entertaining outdoors is comfortable and feasible for much of the year. Sitting around a fire-pit in late October with friends is one of the greatest pleasures of fall — and who doesn’t love a barbecue turkey … read more

Ring of Kerry, Ireland
Travel Bug

Ireland and Scotland — A Sense of Humor and the Wrong Side of the Road

For years, we dreamed of a life of travel. Whenever a favorite vacation was coming to an end, my husband and I would say, “Wouldn’t it be great if we could stay longer — like forever?” Well forever is now, as we embark … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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