WSMAG.NET Blog » The Outdoors

Local outdoor aficionados share tips and information about outdoor recreation, from fishing to bird watching.


dog in the garden

How to Keep Your Pets Safe in the Garden

If you have pets that enjoy spending time outdoors, it’s important to make sure your yard is a safe place for them to be. Consider these hazards that can negatively impact the wellbeing of your furry friends. Poisonous Plants Some common plants can … read more


swimming classes

Swimming Safety Tips for Summer

Playing in or around water is one of the joys of summer, but this treasured seasonal pastime comes with some serious risks. Drowning is the second-leading cause of accidental death for children under the age of 14 in the United States, according to … read more


(Photo courtesy of Getty Images)

Launch Your Boat into a New Season

Whether you’re racing against the waves or quietly floating with a pole in hand, a day on the water is hard to beat. However, before you can enjoy the excitement of a new season, there are several steps you need to take to … read more


Senior Living

Getting Active for Spring and Summer as an Older Adult

Adapting to the pandemic for the past year has made exercise and physical fitness difficult, but there are still ways to remain active. And with spring in the air, it’s the perfect time to get back outside and moving. For aging adults, physical … read more


beautiful backyard

Which ‘Backyarder’ Personality Are You?

Backyarding — the trend to use the backyard for everything from teleworking and working out to relaxing and recreating — has a different purpose for each of us. Identifying your backyard’s role in your family’s health and happiness is the key to cultivating … read more


fantastic deck

Five Outdoor Living Trends for 2021

Now, more than ever, outdoor living is in. While homeowners have increasingly invested time and money into their yards in recent years, 2020 saw interest in outdoor living spike to unprecedented levels, as homeowners everywhere adjusted to a new normal by reimagining how … read more


flourishing backyard spaces

Will ‘Backyarding’ Become a Permanent Trend?

Under pandemic conditions, yards and other managed landscapes became a safe haven for gathering socially, celebrating milestones and holidays, working, studying, playing, exercising and = relaxing. Called “backyarding,” this trend moves  indoor activities — from working in an office or classroom to dining … read more


fallen tree

Tips for Weathering Storm Season

One of the biggest threats during any storm is tree damage, and it’s important to take steps and be prepared before, during and after a storm. A tree might seem like it would be able to sustain the forces of a large storm, … read more


fall lawn mowing

Your Fall Yard Work Checklist for Reaping Benefits Next Spring

Autumn is no time to ignore your lawn and landscape. What you do now will determine the quality of your family yard next spring and summer, says Kris Kiser, president and CEO of the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI), the international trade association … read more

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