WSMAG.NET Blog » Gardeners Corner

All things gardening — seasonal tips, inspirational ideas, gardening events, plant information and more.


Outdoor Room Fire Pit

DIY Projects to Improve Your Outdoor Living Space

Are you taking advantage of your yard and maximizing its potential as a living space? All you need is a bit of time and energy to transform your yard into the perfect place to spend time with family and friends. “There are so … read more


Decorative fences are an effective way to hide composting stations conveniently tucked behind gardens in the landscape.

Enjoy an Attractive and Convenient Composting Station

Make recycling green debris into compost convenient and attractive. Create a space you and your neighbors will appreciate. And locate composting in a convenient area that is easy to access and manage, so you are more likely to do it. You’ll quickly recoup … read more


Male American Goldfinch

Spotting Yellow Birds is a Treat in the Pacific Northwest

Yellow birds, or those that are almost all yellow, are rare in the Pacific Northwest but there is more than one species. The American goldfinch, state bird for Washington, is the best known and the easiest to recognize. Small numbers visit feeding stations … read more


The Kaleidoscope Tomato Cage provides a sturdy support for tomato plants while adding color to the landscape. (Photo courtesy Gardener's Supply Company)

Add Some Extra Appeal to Your Landscape with Garden Art

Adding excitement to your garden is easy. You can create instant, year-round color, structure, motion and fun to your landscape with a bit of garden art. Just like shopping for plants, look for pieces that complement your gardening style. And consider all the … read more


Mason bee homes made out of reclaimed materials then given a crafty paint job. All parts are removable, if needed.

Better Garden Bounty with the Help of Mason Bees

I am not a mason bee expert but I recognize and benefit from their hard work during rainy weather. A few years ago, my strawberries were seedy and not uniformly plump and succulent, so I contacted my local Master Gardener for ideas about … read more


Yard Equipment Safety

Getting Out Your Spring Yard Equipment: Safety Reminders

It may still be drizzling outside but there’s no doubt the lawn needs attention. If you’re getting ready to get out your lawn mower, trimmer, leaf blower, chain saw, pruner or other piece of outdoor power equipment, here are some tips from the … read more


All sorts of materials were recycled to help retain the soil in the original terraced beds over two decades.

Terracing a Vegetable Garden

The first time we saw our property, we were not smitten. Most of the land sloped significantly and faced north. The house did not make us jump with excitement either, at first. As our choices were pretty limited, we took a second look, … read more


From the Garden to the Party

From the Garden to the Party

Make every meal a special event by bringing the garden to the table. Serve your favorite dishes made from homegrown ingredients. Then allow guests to add their own herbal seasonings right from the garden or container. Start by growing the ingredients for your … read more


Butterfly bush

What West Sound Landowners Need to Know About Noxious Weeds

As a gardener and homeowner, I consider myself a steward of the environment, and with that comes the responsibility of choosing plants for my home landscape that are not invasive or noxious. Noxious weeds are non-native plants that were introduced in the State … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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