WSMAG.NET Blog » Gardeners Corner

All things gardening — seasonal tips, inspirational ideas, gardening events, plant information and more.


Pipe Planter

How to Create a ‘Living’ Wall from Guttering

Editor’s note: This blog post is an adapted excerpt from Max McMurdo’s “Upcycling Outdoors” book, which explains the basic of good outdoor design using scrap items, and includes a variety of step-by-step projects. When you have limited outdoor space, it’s great to create … read more



How to Make Your Yard a Haven for Wildlife

Last month, my husband and I visited a small public garden in Southwest Washington called the Wildlife Botanical Gardens. The garden is a project of the NatureScaping organization, devoted to showing homeowners ways to attract birds and other wildlife to their yards by … read more



Tips for Creating a Pet-Friendly Family Yard for Summer Fun

People aren’t the only ones who love to spend time in the family yard during the summer months. For the family pet, the outdoor living room serves many purposes — providing a place to relax, burn off some energy, play safely with friends … read more


(Photo courtesy LP Outdoor Building Solutions)

Guide to Creating a Cozy Shed

Seven Steps to Transform Your Storage Space

While sheds are primarily considered a storage space, they’re more and more being thought of as an extension of your livable space — where you can relax and unwind. But how do you take a shed from serving as a place to store … read more


Native plants have deep root systems that allow the water to penetrate the soil surface, providing moisture to plant roots on the way to recharging groundwater.

Manage Water where it Falls for a Healthier Landscape and Environment

Too much, not enough, and never when you need it. This is a common complaint of gardeners. Keeping and using water where it falls is the first step in managing this precious resource. Planting and maintaining a healthy landscape is a good place … read more



Enjoy the Year of the Tulip

Tulips are equated with spring, and every year between late March and mid May, millions of people flock to see acres of these iconic flowers in bloom during tulip festivals throughout Western Washington. This year, the National Garden Bureau named the tulip “perennial … read more



Some of the Best Flowers for Beautiful Vase Displays

Spring is undoubtedly my favorite time of year. Each spring, I especially look forward to cutting fresh flowers from my yard to arrange in a vase on my kitchen windowsill or dining room table. In some ways, the finished display is like a … read more


In the Market Now

Why Buy Organic? Part 2: The Dirty Dozen and the Clean 15!

While it is the responsibility of the U.S. of Agriculture (USDA) to ensure food safety, the agency’s broad guidelines can fall short of the minute details many consumers desire. Also, due to the size and workload of the USDA, reports on the safety … read more


The National Garden Bureau proclaimed 2018 the Year of the Beet.

Grow Beets for a Delightful, Healthy Treat

From its humble beginnings around the Mediterranean, the table beet (beta vulgaris) has spread to all continents of the world. Beets have been consumed in many ways: medicinally in ancient Rome, fresh (both the greens and the roots) in salads, in soups and … read more

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