WSMAG.NET Blog » At Home

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Pasta in a Pinch

Three Easy Pasta Recipes from Pantry Essentials

Constantly seeking out recipe-specific ingredients that may only be used once or twice can be a burden. Instead, keep your home stocked with necessities to simplify dinner prep with dishes made using common household staples. One perfect example: pastas. These recipes for Minestrone … read more



Caregiving and COVID-19: Tips for People with Vulnerable Family Members

COVID-19 has dramatically shifted daily life for many people around the world. Nobody is immune, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and older adults and individuals with chronic health conditions are at higher risk of getting very sick from the … read more



Staying at Home — Emergency Substitutions in Your Kitchen

Here we are in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and most of us have been asked to stay at home to fight the virus and help save lives. If you have stocked your pantry with basic necessities, chances are pretty good you … read more


replacing lightbulbs led

How to Keep Your Energy Use Healthy Too While Staying at Home

As the world works to halt the spread of the coronavirus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, states and cities are urging us to stay home whenever possible to avoid transmission of the disease. That’s leading to many changes in our lives, including how … read more



12 DIY Projects You Can Get Done while Sheltering at Home

Many of us are finding ourselves with a lot of extra time on our hands while “sheltered in” at home during the coronavirus pandemic. While Netflix and puzzles are a great way to pass the days, why not dig into a few DIY … read more


Meat Matzah Pizza

Two Easy-to-Make, Kosher Recipes for Passover (or Year-Round)

Who doesn’t love good food and great meals? But who wants to spend a lot of time in the kitchen preparing it? With Passover just around the corner, these easy-to-make, kosher recipes could be prepped in just a few minutes with minimal supplies. … read more



Tips for Decluttering, Deep Cleaning and Feng Shui

Now that a lot of people are confined to their homes and apartments, design experts at Hausera, a newly launched online kitchen and bath retailer, say this is a great time to clean, organize and freshen up your space to make sure it’s as … read more


streaming yoga

Mental Health Tips for Cabin Fever

Editor’s note: Where necessary, check out the credentials and qualifications of the therapists you contact. One way to check credentials is by seeing if they are listed on the registers of one of the U.S. organizations that train and provide certification to a … read more


White Bean with Turkey Chili
In the Market Now

Comfort Food on a Chilly Day

Spring may be right around the corner and the sun bright against a brilliant blue sky, but it is still 41 degrees on the front porch and much cooler in the shade or when a breeze wafts through the yard. My spirit wants … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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