WSMAG.NET Blog » At Home

Read about interior design tips, remodeling advice, real estate trends, fresh décor ideas, new products and more.


chocolate coated strawberry treats

Recipe for Chocolate-Covered Strawberries

When you are craving something sweet, sometimes you just can’t get it off your mind until you have just one bite. You need something small, delicious and something that will ease your cravings. This recipe for Chocolate Coated Strawberry Treats is not only … read more


chicken tortilla soup

Cooking Swaps to Help You Manage Cholesterol (Plus Two Recipes)

When cooking, keep in mind small changes that can make a big impact on heart health. High cholesterol is one of the major controllable risk factors for heart disease and stroke, with about 38 percent of American adults diagnosed with high cholesterol, according … read more



Simplifying Your Next Home Organization Project

There are many proven benefits, both mental and physical, to household organization. People tend to sleep better in a clean room, enjoy preparing meals more in a clutter-free kitchen, and feel calmer when they sit at a tidy desk to begin a task. … read more


red velvet mug cake

Recipe for Red Velvet Mug Cake for Your Valentine

On the sweetest day of the year, a day full of flowers, love and sweets, Valentine’s Day is the ultimate opportunity to try a different dessert meant for two. It’s hard to resist a perfectly blended, rose-red, luscious Red Velvet Mug Cake. It’s … read more


office dogs

The Benefits of Dogs in the Workplace

As many pet parents return to the office in the new year, they are looking for ways to continue spending time with their furry friends during the workday. In an online survey conducted recently on behalf of the CESAR brand, 72 percent of … read more



Salmon Sheet Pan Dinner

What’s great about this recipe is the fact that everything cooks on one baking sheet so there’s almost no clean up. I love to use fresh fennel, zucchini and cherry tomatoes, but you can use any vegetables you have on hand. All you … read more


luxury bathroom

Remodel with Universal Design in Mind

Local code ensures new construction homes and renovation projects reflect the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Universal design, on the other hand, does more than make living spaces more accessible for those with disabilities. It expands on regulations to create more … read more


Spinach Ravioli

Recipe for Home-Made Spinach Ravioli

One of the easiest ways to warm up at the end of a winter day — both inside and out — is by sharing a comforting meal with loved ones. Getting your whole family to the table can be surprisingly easy when a … read more



‘Backyarding’ Trends to Watch in 2022

“Backyarding,” the trend to move indoor activities outdoors that was made popular during the pandemic, is here to stay and will continue to expand this year, according to the TurfMutt Foundation, an environmental education and stewardship program that encourages outdoor living and caring … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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