As a gardener and homeowner, I consider myself a steward of the environment, and with that comes the responsibility of choosing plants for my home landscape that are not invasive or noxious. Noxious weeds are non-native plants that were introduced in the State … read more
An Excerpt from 'Rain Gardens for the Pacific...
Here in the Pacific Northwest, we all love looking at the mountains and ocean, lakes and creeks, our huge evergreen trees and silvery sagebrush, and the vast fields and endless horizons stretching out both east and west of the mountains. That is why … read more
In the Market Now
Wet, blustery days in February do not usually bring to mind fields of fresh root vegetables or greenhouses filled with herbs and greens. But in the Northwest, farmers work year round to bring these foods to our tables. Although you cannot usually source … read more
It seems bathrooms are often the most neglected rooms in the house when it comes to sprucing things up. Naturally, the main bath or powder room gets the most attention, since it is the “company bathroom.” When the time comes to remodel or … read more
An estimated 4.2 million retirees downsized and moved to a smaller home in 2016. But for most of us, when it comes time to clean out the closets, downsize, move away or move on, the reality of making decisions about what to do … read more
Signs of Spring
Female Anna’s hummingbirds begin building their nests in February. They will be searching through gardens in the West Sound region, looking for nesting materials. Portions of seed pods from last year’s clematis blossoms are popular. These are the feathery tufts still clinging to … read more
When it comes to beauty, few building materials can compete with natural stone. One-of-a-kind markings, dramatic colors and rich finishes make it a popular choice, especially in bathrooms where it can transform a utilitarian space into a spa-like retreat. Long considered a great … read more
Where would you go to find a clonal colony of creatures armed with thousands of neurotoxin-filled harpoons engaged in deadly combat? To find the front line of an intergenerational clone-colony war, you need go no farther than your local beach. The humble sea … read more
Yes, that’s really the name of the show! Save the dates for a thoroughly unique and comical postmodern homage to the grand tradition of backstage musicals. You won’t want to miss this outrageously funny love letter to musical theatre. [title of show] is … read more