Organic Vegetable Gardening Class: Gardens You Can Eat
A hands-on class taught by Master Gardeners to help you create your own organic backyard vegetable garden. This course, which is open to any community member who wishes to learn about growing food crops organically, will focus on soils, composting, locally appropriate techniques and integrated pest management.
When: Saturdays, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Feb. 28, March 7, 21 & 28
Where: Norm Dicks Government Center, 345 6th Street, Bremerton
Cost: $150 for all four classes (includes class materials, Maritime Gardening Guide & resource guides) or $45 each class individually
For more information or to register online, visit or contact kitsapvegclass [at] gmail [dot] com, 360-337-7157.
Scholarships are available; inquire at email above. Master Gardener rate: $100 for all 4 classes, $15 cancellation fee for series of 4 classes; $5 cancellation fee for each individual class. $35 charge for checks returned for nonsufficient funds.
Kitsap Water Stewardship Program
A WSU Kitsap Extension and Washington Sea Grant Collaboration
2015 Beach Naturalist Training
Nearly surrounded by water, the Kitsap Peninsula is an amazing place to learn about and enjoy sea life. Over the course of six evening classes and a variety of field trips, you’ll learn about the stars, clams, crabs and other cool critters, seaweeds and plants that live on our beaches. Discussions will include Salish Sea oceanography and shoreline living, conservation and restoration.
When: Thursdays from 6 to 9 p.m. April 9 through May 15 at the Poulsbo Marine Science Center,
Cost: $65 ($60 if you register by March 19), which includes materials; scholarships are available. There is a 25-hour volunteer component. Those interested in leading public beach explorations may join the group on April 2 for a new leaders training.
For more information on any of the Water Stewardship program offerings, contact Renee Johnson, 360-337-7224 or rkjohnso [at] co [dot] kitsap [dot] wa [dot] us.