Tag: planning

Tech Ed
Industry Update

Technical Education Can Lead to a Fulfilling Career

A new year always conjures up the spirit of a fresh start. For those planning to enter the workforce or looking for a career change, now is the time to contemplate job opportunities. If you’re looking for a change of pace with your … read more


summer camp

How to Find the Right Summer Camp

With the days growing longer and warmer, securing a suitable camp for your child can feel like an impossible task. However, finding the perfect camp experience for your kid this summer doesn’t have to be daunting with these top 10 considerations. 1. Your … read more

Which Professional Does What?

Which Building and Remodeling Professional Does What and When?

When planning to build a new home or remodel an existing one, whom do you call to start the ball rolling on making your dreams a reality? Finding the starting line for a residential building project can feel a bit illusive, so we … read more


exercise for sleep

Tips for Getting a Good Night’s Rest

Did you know nearly 8 in 10 Americans are trying to improve their sleep this year? In a recent survey, nearly half ranked this goal as their number one priority. If getting better sleep is at the top of your list to improve … read more


efficient heating

7 Ways to Reduce Home Energy Costs

When building your budget, utility bills — especially the electric bill — are likely one of your largest monthly expenditures. One of the biggest culprits: home heating and cooling, which account for more than half of the average American household’s annual energy consumption, … read more


work security

How to Prevent Identity Fraud When Job Hunting

Surveillance by cybercriminals on job search portals is akin to an invisible predator lurking in the shadows, waiting for unsuspecting prey — job seekers. Such portals, given their rich databases of personal information, have become hotbeds for cybercriminal activity. “If you think data … read more


Spring Cleaning

Avoid These Mistakes when Decluttering Your Home

The spring cleaning season is always such a great time to refresh your home and everyday lifestyle. Are you already planning to deep-clean your carpets and rugs, clean all of your home’s windows and wipe down all counters and cabinets? These are all … read more

The Fairmount Empress hotel

The Short and Winding Road to Victoria, British Columbia

Interesting, long-weekend retreats from Kitsap

As the Black Ball Ferry “Coho” enters Victoria Harbor following its 90-minute crossing of the Salish Sea from Port Angeles, the stately Fairmount Empress hotel — Victoria’s centerpiece — comes into view. The scene is a bit “Oz” in nature: The stunning building … read more

Bareroot Planting
Teri's Tips

Spring Is Here!

March is my favorite month for planting bareroot trees, shrubs, roses and herbaceous edibles. By planting bareroot, you’ll save money. Here are some plant suggestions: Tree types: Flowering • Fruit • Shade Shrubs: Lilacs • Flowering currants • Dogwoods • Bridal spirea • … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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