Tag: pets

pets and plants

How to Keep Houseplants Healthy While Keeping Pets Safe

You love them both — your pets and houseplants — but it can be challenging to safely raise them together in the same house. Reduce the risk by selecting pet-safe plants and safely managing houseplant pest problems. Avoid problems by selecting plants suited to … read more



5 Tips for Keeping Your Dog More Active

Face it, getting enough exercise is tough for everyone, and it’s certainly true when it comes to our pets. The amount of exercise your dog may need varies, depending on the age, size and breed, but most dogs need more exercise than they’re … read more


Pet Rescue

Emergency Preparedness Tips to Help Ensure Pet Safety

Preparing for an emergency can be a challenge. When it comes to managing pet safety during an emergency, the unpredictable can make the preparation process even more difficult. Regardless of a pet’s size or demeanor, a disaster can take a toll on a … read more


Cat Eating Houseplant

Keep Your Pets Safe from Poisonous Plants

If you have pets, you probably know that lilies are poisonous for cats, but did you know that tulips are dangerous for dogs? Some toxic plants don’t just cause gastric irritation — they can cause death. As you’re planning to add more plants … read more



6 Ways to Help Your Dog Maintain Calm Behavior

Summer can be a stressful time of year for dogs who experience anxious behaviors, with triggers like fireworks, thunderstorms, summer travel and more taking a toll on pets. While you may not be able to prevent your pet’s anxious behaviors entirely, there are … read more


Tutors with Tails Reading Program

Tutors with Tails Reading Program Grows by Leaps and Bounds

If you walk down the halls of Evergreen or Harbor Heights Elementary schools on a particular day, you might find Rohan or Sasha stretched out on the floor of the school library, tails wagging, listening to a child read a book. No, people … read more


(Photo courtesy Getty Images)

5 Tips to Successfully Bring a New Pet into Your Home

Bringing home a puppy or kitten can lead to a lot of excitement. However, discussing issues that may arise and preparing in advance for a new pet’s arrival can help make for a smooth transition. Consider these tips from the pet experts at … read more


Senior Dog Care

5 Tips for Senior Dog Care

As your dog ages, your care must evolve to meet your furry friend’s changing needs, particularly when it comes to mobility, injury-prevention and recovery. The following tips can help keep your aging dog mobile, healthy and happy. Fish oil: Originally recommended for treating … read more


Travel with Pets

5 Tips to Take Pets on Trips

If your next big excursion is on hold until you can make arrangements for your four-legged friend, a solution may be closer than you think. Pet-friendly accommodations can be easier to find than ever, making it possible to simply take your pet along … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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