Tag: people



10 Ways to Thank a Caregiver

Chances are you know a caregiver. It could be the teacher at your child’s school, balancing classroom duties and caring for an aging parent after the bell rings. Maybe it’s your coworker who also takes care of a chronically ill spouse at home. … read more


Celebrating Hanukkah

When people think of the holiday season, Christmas or New Year may come to mind. Many overlook the glorious holiday of Hanukkah — but this holiday is “not a substitute for Christmas,” says a local resident who has researched Hanukkah. “It’s a joyous … read more


baby chewing plastic

What Every Parent of Young Children Should Know about Plastics

Plastics is not a subject that most of us go to sleep obsessing over or wake up consumed by. But when you are writing a report for EARTHDAY.ORG titled “Babies vs. Plastics,” plastics literally become your life. Plastic is an omnipresent material in … read more

Josephine's Mercantile and Revival

Finding the Perfect Gift

Any fan of all things vintage and the...

Every holiday season, folks seeking one-of-a-kind vintage items line Bay Street in Port Orchard, waiting to explore the countless antiques ready for discovery inside Josephine’s Mercantile. This year, the shop is celebrating its 10-year anniversary with its 9th Annual Holiday Gala Nov. 9-12, … read more

Dana's on Bainbridge

Dana’s on Bainbridge — A True Legacy

Dana’s on Bainbridge is a legacy and a fun store. The business has been around since 1977 and has been owned by three community-oriented people for 46 years, including current owner John Carson. He describes Dana’s as “what you would consider a traditional … read more


mindful relaxation

7 Crucial Things to Do This Holiday Season to Stay Healthy

The holiday season is upon us, and while we may love the lights and fun feeling in the air, it can also be a time of the year that gets us in more ways than one. The holidays can make people feel stressed … read more

Figgy pudding ready for flaming
Barb's Open Kitchen

Figgy Pudding

“Oh bring us some figgy pudding, and bring it right here!” Those familiar with the ancient traditional Christmas song, “We Wish You a Merry Christmas,” will recognize the second verse asking for figgy pudding. What is figgy pudding, and why is it included … read more

Grandma's Dishes
Contemporary Thrifting with Amy

Grandma’s Dishes

Availability, trend, need and definition will determine the future of “thrifting,” which is primarily looking for used items. Today, the activity is enormous in many directions, but tomorrow may be a different story. My expertise began in the ’70s, when I was teaching … read more


Community Matters

Sharing a Sense of Belonging at Our Holiday Tables

Our small acts of hospitality really do matter

In the Pacific Northwest, November holds the place between the radiant golden hues of fall and the wet gray scale of winter. With it comes the official entry to the year-end holiday season and its annual themes of gratitude and generosity. Nostalgia arrives … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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