Tag: outdoors


Puget Sound birds

Kitsap County Chapter of Ducks Unlimited Recognized Nationally

Ducks Unlimited recently announced the top volunteer chapters across the nation honored in three categories for their conservation fundraising efforts. The Kitsap County Chapter received the President’s Roll of Honor, given to chapters that raised between $65,000 and $99,999. Ducks Unlimited Inc. is … read more

Garden of the Rising Sun - After

Garden of the Rising Sun

A home with a view is a much-sought-after property to purchase. However, trees grow, homes spring up, and a once-grand vista sometimes diminishes or disappears. For Susan and John Erickson, this would not do. Fortunately, an empty lot between their home and a … read more

A northern pygmy-owl contemplates its next move after being discovered by a flock of angry chickadees.

A Ferocious Predator Disguised as a Cute Little Owl

When people think of fierce, predatory birds, the species that come to mind are bald eagles, peregrine falcons and great horned owls. These birds are not picky and will take anything they can grab. When you see a small owl, the initial reaction … read more



Garden Centers Are Open to Help You Grow Food at Home

Your local independent garden center is an essential community source providing you access to healthy, affordable food to grow at home. As an essential part of your community, garden centers are taking the required steps to serve you safely and protect their staff. … read more

The shed and raised demo beds

Historic Homestead Becomes Home to Gardens

Imagine being a young woman in Germany in the 1890s and coming alone over the Atlantic Ocean, and across the entire continental United States, to a remote peninsula in the Pacific Northwest. That is what young Dora Gummert did when she came to … read more

Bellevue Botanical Garden in autumn

Day Trip — The Region’s Finest Self-Guided Garden Tours

There is no such thing as a new idea, Mark Twain said. “We simply take a lot of old ideas, give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations.” Kitsap County is the home of several botanical wonders — among them … read more


Toddler in garden (Image by vikvarga via Pixabay)

Kids’ Garden-Themed Activities You Can Do Right Now

As we all face these unpredictable times, experts at KidsGardening created and shared these “tried and true,” plant-based activities that are joyful for any age and don’t involve any screen time. The national nonprofit reaches close to half of a million educators, parents … read more

Glass Flowers

Glass ‘Flowers’ For Your Garden

Hansville artist Judy Bryant has done a variety of things in her lifetime. For several years, she worked as a draftsperson at Boeing, where she drew the designs of the captains’ panel of the 737 aircraft onto mylar sheets, using special pens. She … read more


distancing and gardening

Maintaining Wellness through Gardening in the Era of Social Distancing

Recreational, meetings and concerts are canceled. The kids are out of school and we’re being encouraged to stay home. In this time of Covid-19, here are a few suggestions from the National Garden Bureau, along with links to resources, to cultivate something good. … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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