Tag: northwest

A Virginia rail makes a rare appearance in the open as it searches for its next meal.

Searching for These Secretive Birds is off the Rails

There is no shortage of variety in the world of birds. There are remarkable differences between a heron and a hummingbird or a swan and a swallow. Also, there are places where humans would never dwell, but birds consider appealing. Freshwater marsh habitat … read more

Community Scene - KEDA
Community Scene

2024 KEDA Annual Meeting

KEDA’s 2024 Annual Meeting and Economic Forecast had an incredible turnout, with 250 attendees gathered at the beautiful Suquamish Clearwater Casino Resort. KEDA (Kitsap Economic Development Alliance), a 40-year-old public-private, nonprofit organization devoted to increasing the economic vitality of Kitsap County, hosted a … read more


Nonprofit Spotlight

Permission to Start Dreaming Foundation

Supporting Armed Forces, Veterans and First Responders

Washington state is a flood with almost 45,000 registered and legit not-for-profit organizations. Their missions are wide ranging, but all attempt to address a significant community need, often relying completely on donor funding and an active cadre of community volunteers to do so. … read more

Olalla American Music Festival

Let the Music Move You at Music Festivals this Summer

In case you haven’t already snagged tickets to Glastonbury, Lollapalooza, Coachella or Montreux this year, there’s still time to find that special venue that will not only add to your quality of life but may in some cases change it forever. Music festivals … read more


Destination Semiahmoo

An activity-packed gem on the Canadian border

Imagine you were tasked with locating and building a destination resort in the Pacific Northwest. Would you seek a location on the expansive Salish Sea or on a peaceful bay? Would you seek a location that has dramatic mountain sunrises or one that … read more


Alana Mignano, Armathia Bolles, Ashley Dunlap

Eleven Winery to Change Ownership

The future owners of Eleven Winery will be a trio of current employees: Alana Mignano, general manager; Ashley Dunlap, tasting room and events manager; and Armathia Bolles, winemaker. “We have formed a partnership that gives them full operational authority, effective immediately,” said founder … read more


Midday steward Jill Dabbs out to stock her pantry. Stewards have custom shirts to share what they do.

Rotary Club’s ‘Little Food Pantry’ Project Begins Fourth Year

The Rotary Club of Gig Harbor Midday “Little Food Pantry Project” embarks on its fourth year providing emergency food, thanks in part to a UD5020 District Matching Grant. The grant provided a total of $3,000 for purchasing food to supplement donation and fundraising … read more


The Past Meets the New

Jack Paauw and Susan Gates transformed their 1938...

After living on Mercer Island for 35 years, Jack Paauw and Susan Gates were ready to make a move. For a few years, Paauw had been commuting to a Kitsap-based job on the fast ferry, so he couldn’t wait for a shorter commute. … read more

Best Of West Sound 2024

Best of West Sound Results 2024

WestSound Magazine presents the annual Best of West Sound results for 2024! Entries have been submitted from Bainbridge Island all the way to Gig Harbor. On this page we’ve listed the businesses and places you love the most. Enjoy! Best Seafood Restaurant Boat … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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