Tag: how-tos

kids on the farm

Raising ‘Em Up on the Farm

A New Generation of Young Farmers grows on...

Five-year-old Kavi Ostrom announced one day to her mother, “These plants aren’t doing well because we haven’t put enough compost on them.” Maia Ostrom said, laughing, “I’m pretty sure that Kavi will be running the farm soon.” Maia Ostrom and her husband, Erik, … read more


Gen Z Students

Six Basic Financial Tips for Gen Z

As more states nationwide adopt laws requiring high schools to offer personal finance classes, a new survey suggests that generation Z is on board with the trend. Seventy-six percent of recent high school graduates agree personal finance education should be required, according to … read more



How to Incorporate Plants and Flowers into Your home decorating

Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies in countries all over the world and with good reason. It adds a little bit of beauty to the planet, it’s great exercise and it brings life into the world. However, if you’re spending more … read more


car seat safety

7 Things You May Not Know About Your Child’s Safety in Cars

Parents and caregivers want to keep kids safe in the car, but keeping up with the latest recommendations can be tricky, especially as the children grow and their needs change. It’s sometimes hard to know if you’re doing everything you can to keep … read more


identity theft

What You Should Know About Identity Theft

With so many major data breaches in the last few years, chances are there’s no one whose personal information hasn’t already been compromised. Every time your information is stolen, you are at risk of identify theft. But, according to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure … read more


home inventory

Prepare for a Natural Disaster and Protect your Possessions by Taking a Home Inventory

Nearly two-thirds of American homeowners are living without a critical safeguard. According to data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, just 34 percent of U.S. homeowners have taken a home inventory. That leaves 66 percent, or two-thirds, who lack this important protection. … read more


insurance planning

9 Things You Can Do Now to Prepare for a Disaster

Are you prepared if a disaster were to hit? If you aren’t, making sure to prioritize this initiative for you and your family is smart. Disasters don’t plan ahead, but you can. Here are nine things you can do now to ensure you … read more


sustainable forest

5 Tips for Living More Sustainably

From littering here and there to tossing bottles in the trash instead of the proper recycling bin, everyone has moments of weakness when it comes to the environment. If you’re looking to shake the guilt you may feel from the weight of your … read more


kids in school

Ease Kids Back into School with Confidence

There’s nothing like a major milestone in a child’s life to test a parent’s confidence. Big changes like a new school or classroom can be trying for kids and adults alike, but tackling the transition a little at a time can make it … read more

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