Tag: home

Cherry and Terry Jarvis Garden

A Garden Dressed for a Party

The garden of Cherry and Terry Jarvis is...

In the Suquamish garden of Cherry and Terry Jarvis, landscaper Teri Cole has taken garden design to a new level. Several levels, in fact. Cole’s canvas is a lovely piece of high-bank waterfront that makes its way down — one broad step at … read more


simple gardens

Creating a Low-Maintenance Garden: Tips and Tricks

Gardening is a fun hobby that has plenty of health benefits. If you’ve been thinking about converting a barren backyard into a stunning landscape of greens, these six tricks will help you build a garden that requires minimal time and effort to care … read more

KBA Auction 2024
Community Scene

Yacht Rockin’ Bids & Beats

Attendees were welcomed to the 2024 Kitsap Building Association’s annual auction and dinner hosted at Kitsap Golf & Country Club. The exciting evening began with a silent auction, followed by dinner, a live auction then a “desert dash.” Guests dressed appropriate to the … read more


little child

Outdoor Play Each Day Will Help Keep the Screens Away

It’s difficult to distance ourselves from screens; they follow us everywhere — in the car, into stores, at restaurants and all around our houses. Children often become reliant on screens for entertainment, and parents sometimes use screens as a distraction. While there’s high-quality, … read more


wildflower borders

How to Plant a Meadowscape for Natural Beauty

Are you tired of spending every Saturday mowing your lawn instead of relaxing in the garden? Was your last water bill higher than your car payment? Would you rather spend money on pretty plants for the garden — instead of fertilizer for the … read more

‘Pretty in Pink’ Artwork by Beth Owen

Gig Harbor Garden Tour Marks 25 Years of Supporting Literacy

For a quarter of a century, the Gig Harbor Garden Tour has inspired master gardeners as well as the weekend weed puller with stunning ideas for their own gardens while fostering literacy efforts in the Gig Harbor community. The 2024 event marks the … read more


Dee Coppola on BKAT

WestSound’s Dee Coppola Featured on BKAT’s ‘Engaging Kitsap’

Colleen Miko, host the “Engaging Kitsap” program produced by Bremerton-Kitsap Access Television (BKAT), recently interviewed Dee Coppola, founding editorial director of WestSound magazine and owner of Wet Apple Media. Dee highlighted how the magazine got started and why it has been successful for … read more


heat pump

How the Inflation Reduction Act and Simple Steps Can Boost Energy Savings This Summer

As Americans prepare to spend more cold cash to stay cool this summer, it’s more important than ever to learn how to leverage the benefits of The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Combining these offerings with some simple tips and tricks will help … read more



Outdoor Succulent Gardening: Easy-Care and Sunshine-Loving Plants

Bring low-maintenance beauty to your outdoor space with a succulent garden. Succulents are water-wise plants that thrive in sunlight, making them perfect for creating a stunning and easy-to-care-for outdoor oasis. Bonus! Depending on your region and growing zone, you can bring many succulents … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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