Tag: gardening

Community Education Opportunities — Lifelong Learning in the West Sound
WSU Kitsap Extension

Community Education Opportunities

Lifelong Learning in the West Sound

Master Gardener Program Free Children’s Gardening Activities School’s out! Are you looking for something fun and free for the kids? The WSU Kitsap Master Gardeners are offering children’s gardening activities in two of our demonstration gardens this summer — plant, water, harvest and … read more


How to Turn Your Yard Waste into Resources

How to Turn Your Yard Waste into Resources

If you are like me, this time of year brings a bit of (late) spring cleaning, coupled with hours of work getting your yard and garden back into shape. Unfortunately, the price we pay to live in such a lush and beautiful place … read more

Bainbridge In Bloom

Bainbridge In Bloom

The Bainbridge Island Arts & Humanities Council is celebrating creativity at the 2014 Bainbridge in Bloom garden tour. Open 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. on July 11 – 12, the event features exquisite gardens and live music throughout the tour. Highlight of this … read more


Northwest Gardens

Local Garden Clubs and Societies — 2014 Resource List

We receive lots of questions at WestSound Magazine about local garden clubs and plant societies and how to get involved or just visit one now and then. Here’s the most complete list we have to date (May, 2014). We’ve listed websites, addresses, Facebook … read more

The New Victory Gardens

The New Victory Gardens

Victory gardens during World War I and II sprouted up on any vacant lot, in front and back yards and anywhere there was a spot to grow nutritious fruit and vegetables. Today a new movement is underway to grow victory gardens once again. … read more

One of the summer greenhouses is chock full of petals and such.
The Brothers Greenhouses

Plants and Proprietors with Local Roots

A cool Northwestern day is the perfect time to duck into a greenhouse, replete with the warmth of solar energy coming through the walls, pleasantly humid as plants exhale pure oxygen, and fragrant with the earthy perfume of rich soil. Greenhouses can be … read more

Get The Dirt — Bean Aphids

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Aphids • Storm Water Solutions • Garden Clubs...

Aphids There are approximately 4,000 species of aphids in the world but only about 250 species are serious pests; only 1,350 species live in North America. Are you feeling better yet? Aphids range in length from 1/16 inch to 1/4 inch and come … read more

Orchard Mason Bees

Orchard Mason Bees — Fascinating Creatures

The orchard mason bee, or blue orchard bee, is the western native pollinator that appears each year in late winter and early spring to pollinate all the early blooming fruit trees and flowers. Its scientific name, Osmia Lignaria Propinqua Cresson, describes the insect … read more

A hoop house gives peppers and tomatoes a faster start and some extra heat at the Blueberry Park P-Patch in Bremerton.
Step-by-Step Instructions

Extending the Season With a Hoop House

Hoop houses are a simple tool to improve success with year-round vegetable gardening in the Pacific Northwest. Constructed of basic, inexpensive materials and with the potential for easy relocation, hoop houses are essentially mini-greenhouses that anyone can build and utilize. And like a … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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