Tag: gardening

Narcissus ‘Passionale’

The Daffodil Spring

I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host of golden daffodils; Beside the lake beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. ~ William Wordsworth In the last … read more

Figs, dahlias and peaches, oh my!

Bainbridge Bounty

On a quiet street in the middle of Bainbridge Island, Darren and Kari Murphy have sprouted a garden filled with fruit trees, grapes and vegetables of all sorts. While not a rare sight, theirs exudes an underlying passion for heirloom and unusual varieties … read more


From the Garden to the Party

From the Garden to the Party

Make every meal a special event by bringing the garden to the table. Serve your favorite dishes made from homegrown ingredients. Then allow guests to add their own herbal seasonings right from the garden or container. Start by growing the ingredients for your … read more

Salad mix

Ambergardens Provides Food for Body and Soul

Life’s journeys are unpredictable. People’s interests and talents steer them down a path that may seem pretty clear, but life will always offer up some crossroads and detours to spice things up. Laura Ambers Pittman-Hewitt started out on an artistic path, studying music … read more


Butterfly bush

What West Sound Landowners Need to Know About Noxious Weeds

As a gardener and homeowner, I consider myself a steward of the environment, and with that comes the responsibility of choosing plants for my home landscape that are not invasive or noxious. Noxious weeds are non-native plants that were introduced in the State … read more


Using correct soil mixes and mulches is critical to a thriving, functional rain garden. (Photo by Zsofia Pasztor)

Why Does the Northwest Need Rain Gardens?

An Excerpt from 'Rain Gardens for the Pacific...

Here in the Pacific Northwest, we all love looking at the mountains and ocean, lakes and creeks, our huge evergreen trees and silvery sagebrush, and the vast fields and endless horizons stretching out both east and west of the mountains. That is why … read more

Debbie Mihali's small greenhouse produces delicious tomatoes and more all winter long.

Winter Kitchen Gardens

Keeping it Green Both Outdoors and Indoors

“Shall I not have intelligence with the earth? Am I not partly leaves and vegetable mould myself?” ~ Henry David Thoreau Ever since people stopped wandering and put down roots, there has been a special place set aside from which they cultivated herbs, … read more

Distant Drums

Sustainable Rose Growing

Sustainable growing means different things to different people. In organic gardening and farming, a sustainable growing system minimizes what enters and leaves the system, using only what is sustainable to the environment. Beyond that, sustainability is a local concept. For example, collecting water … read more

Snowdrops (Galanthus ssp.)

Scents and Sensibilities of the Fragrant Winter Garden

“If our sense of smell is sluggish … we shall have missed more than half the ecstasy. We shall have missed, for instance, that winter day in January or February when we step out of the door and suddenly smell the spring.” ~ … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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